Thursday, January 30, 2020
Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay Example for Free
Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay Robert Frosts THE ROAD NOT TAKEN talks about the everyday choices that one makes while traveling down the road of life. In the first stanza the speaker introduces the poem by saying Two roads diverged in a yellow woodThis is interesting because it is suggests that there are two actual roads, as opposed to figurative roads. Then the speaker goes on to say And sorry I could not travel bothThis is one of the most powerful lines in the poem; because no matter whom the reader is they will relate to the feeling of regret, and sadness over a missed opportunity. When one reads something that they are able to connect with the piece of work then becomes that much more meaningful. And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. These last three lines in the first stanza are almost comical, because they paint such a clear picture of human nature. You as a reader can actually see yourself standing at the cross roads of life; trying to foresee what obstacles and opportunities you will have, as a result of the decision you are being forced to make. But try though you may, you will never really know for certain what the outcome of your decisions will be. In the forth and fifth line of the third stanza the speaker says Yet knowing how way, leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. This line verbalizes a sense of nostalgia that the speaker has, as well as a sense of determination not to look back at the same time; this is quite interesting and could only be the result of meticulously chosen words. In the forth (final) stanza the speaker again relays a felling of nostalgia, when he says I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence. The speaker closes the poem with a sense of pride and accomplishment by announcing Two roads Diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. By ending this poem the way that Robert Frost chose to, it is apparent that he is trying to send a message to his readers, through the lips of the speaker. This message is one that everyone should not only read, but embrace. The message is to follow you instincts and listen to your conscience, and you will be led to a future that is filled with happiness and success. Far too many people are afraid to find their own way, and are much more content going along with the crowd. But in the end it is those that follow their hearts that end up where the want to be.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Exploring the Hindu Religion Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essays
Exploring the Hindu Religion The statement "everyone is a Hindu" is an extremely broad one that is open to much interpretation. This owes partly to the fact that Hinduism itself is a broad and vast religion with many ways of following. In this paper I seek to explain that the statement "everyone is a Hindu" is a worthy one because Hindus have a sense of interconnectedness in all organisms and life on earth, and that the ultimate goal of a person is to join the rest of the universe in "moksha." Additionally, the attribute of the Hinduism that lends well to the statement is that Hinduism is a very hospitable religion that not only requires no specific adherence or conversion, it stresses the understanding of other religions as well. If one ascribes to a particular religion, surely that person believes that his or her religion holds for everyone. This person would feel that there is only one god or Supreme Being that rules over the universe and all its peoples. In Islam this god is known as Allah; in Christianity He is known as Jehovah. This is one argument that could apply to any religion however. In Hinduism on the other hand, the idea of a Supreme Being is much more of an abstract concept rather than a tangible being, and is known as "Brahman." The idea that Brahman is the "everything" or Supreme Reality is what makes the statement "everyone is a Hindu" a notably pertinent one in relation to Hinduism. Hindus have a sense of interconnectedness that pervades throughout everything in the universe: all plants, animals, people, and the cosmos. Brahman is the sacred force that holds everything together is. It is the ultimate reality that is unseen in the karmic cycle of birth and death, called samsara, which Hindus believe we... ...ital to Buddhism. I have shown that the universality of Hinduism, its broad sense of welcoming to people of any creed or faith, and its decentralized nature are all factors that lend to the assertion "everyone is a Hindu." The central concept of Brahman in Hinduism as a sacred unexplainable force that ties everything in this world together make everyone a Hindu. In addition, everyone is seen as striving towards the same goal to reach moksha, to shed the bondage of being reborn in a human body in order to finally attain union with the Supreme Being. Although it could be said that there are "330 Million Gods," there is no acceptance required of these particular deities in Hinduism, only an acknowledgement that there is a Supreme Being. The statement that "everyone is a Hindu" is a compelling one that is substantiated by the universal ideas and concepts of Hinduism.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Causes And Effects Of Suicide
Suicide is an action whereby a person ends his or her own life. According to Conner (2009), the 1 lath main cause of death for all ages in the united States was suicide in 2005, which is the 3rd leading cause for people between 15 and 24 years old. This showed that children have a higher risk for committing suicide compared to most of the other age groups. High requirements from the parents to the children will lead to increase in rate of death.Firstly, when the requirements from the parents are too high, this causes the children to eel stressful. As the parents want to improve the image of the family, they expect their children to do better than the others. Sometimes, as the requirements from the parents are too high, the children will feel stressful. Besides that, when the parents themselves are successful persons, they will expect that their children can be more successful than them. Most Of the rich family would like to send their children to attain a four-year-college degree (Ch ild Trends Databanks, 2012).Therefore, children will have negative self- lining because they feel like they cannot reach their parents' target (Reader, 2012). Then, because of stress, the children cannot fulfill the requirements and they feel depressed, and then end up will suicide. According to Newman (201 3), if the parents' requirements are too high, when children cannot fulfill the requirements, their self-confidence may be destroyed, and their desire to succeed may disappear. When they feel depressed, they cannot concentrate on doing anything and will give up on doing anything.According to Lickerish 201 0), depression will cause a person to have thinking like they do not contribute anything to anyone in this world, and it makes no difference even if they do not exist in the world. Because of that, the person will start to think about suicide without letting anyone know about the plan, and finally committed suicide. Next, after the children died, their parents will feel sad and regret, some of them which could not accept the reality will follow their children's step, and this causes the rate of death increases.For example, a ether committed suicide by hanging himself on a tree one year after his 16 years old daughter committed suicide (Hurwitz, 2014). This showed that suicide of a person may become a factor that influence other people, for example, families, relatives, and friends to follow the footsteps of the person and commit suicide as well. According to Jejune, Grapnels and Grapnels (201 1), among all the deaths in United States each year, death by suicide consists of 1. 3%, while for age between 15 to 24, death by suicide consists of 12. 3%.Last but not least, the high death rate is mostly contributed by the unreasonable expectation by the parents. To reduce the rate of death, family acts as the most important character by paying more attentions and taking good care of their children as well as do not make the children feel stressful. For the childre n themselves, they should always have positive thinking and get some advices from family or counselor when facing some problems. When a person died, there are some family left by the people and they might commit suicide. So, to reduce the rate of death, we should help them to escape from the shadow of the death of suicide.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Countries of the World in French
Learning the French names for countries is relatively easy if you are already familiar with the name in English. In most instances, the translation is as simple as attaching something like -ique or -ie to the end of the name. That means that this a very easy French lesson which students of any level can learn. Les Pays en Franà §ais Below is a list of virtually all of the countries in the world, organized alphabetically from English to French. As you study geography in the French language, you will find it useful to learn how to speak about the countries and be able to use them in sentences. Remember that you need to use a definite article (the the, such as le or la) for countries. Some of the countries do not have a definite article because they are islands. Articles are normally not used with islands. You will also need to know the gender of the country in order to use it in a preposition. Nearly all countries that end in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. There are just a few exceptions: le Belizele Cambodgele Mexiquele Mozambiquele Zaà ¯rele Zimbabwe In those cases and for countries that use l as the definitive article, the gender is indicated next to the name. English French Afghanistan l'Afghanistan (m) Albania l'Albanie (f) Algeria l'Algà ©rie (f) Andorra l'Andorre (f) Angola l'Angola (m) Antigua and Barbuda l'Antigua-et-Barbuda (f) Argentina l'Argentine (f) Armenia l'Armà ©nie (f) Australia l'Australie (f) Austria l'Autriche (f) Azerbaijan l'Azerbaà ¯djan (m) Bahamas les Bahamas (f) Bahrain le Bahreà ¯n Bangladesh le Bangladesh Barbados la Barbade Belarus la Bià ©lorussie Belau Belau Belgium la Belgique Belize le Belize (m) Benin le Bà ©nin Bhutan le Bhoutan Bolivia la Bolivie Bosnia la Bosnie-Herzà ©govine Botswana le Botswana Brazil le Brà ©sil Brunei le Brunà ©i Bulgaria la Bulgarie Burkina-Faso le Burkina Burma la Birmanie Burundi le Burundi Cambodia le Cambodge (m) Cameroon le Cameroun Canada (learn the provinces) le Canada Cape Verde Island le Cap-Vert Central African Republic la Rà ©publique centrafricaine Chad le Tchad Chile le Chili China la Chine Colombia la Colombie Comoro Islands les Comores (f) Congo le Congo Cook Islands les ÃŽles Cook Costa Rica le Costa Rica Cà ´te d'Ivoire la Cà ´te d'Ivoire Croatia la Croatie Cuba Cuba Cyprus Chypre (f) Czech Republic la Rà ©publique tchà ¨que Denmark le Danemark Djibouti le Djibouti Dominica la Dominique Dominican Republic la Rà ©publique dominicaine Ecuador l'Équateur (m) Egypt l'Égypte (f) El Salvador le Salvador England l'Angleterre (f) Equatorial Guinea la Guinà ©e à ©quatoriale Eritrea l'Érythrà ©e (f) Estonia l'Estonie (f) Ethiopia l'Éthiopie (f) Fiji les Fidji (f) Finland la Finlande France (learn the regions) la France French Polynesia la Polynà ©sie franà §aise Gabon le Gabon Gambia la Gambie Georgia la Gà ©orgie Germany l'Allemagne (f) Ghana le Ghana Greece la Grà ¨ce Grenada la Grenade Guatemala le Guatemala Guinea la Guinà ©e Guinea Bissau la Guinà ©e-Bissao Guyana la Guyana Haiti Haà ¯ti Honduras le Honduras Hungary la Hongrie Iceland l'Islande (f) India l'Inde (f) Indonesia l'Indonà ©sie (f) Iran l'Iran (m) Iraq l'Irak (m) Ireland l'Irlande (f) Israel Israà «l (m) Italy l'Italie (f) Jamaica la Jamaà ¯que Japan le Japon Jordan la Jordanie Kazakhstan le Kazakhstan Kenya le Kenya Kiribati Kiribati (f) Kuwait le Koweà ¯t Kyrgyzstan le Kirghizstan Laos le Laos Latvia la Lettonie Lebanon le Liban Lesotho le Lesotho Liberia le Libà ©ria Libya la Libye Liechtenstein le Liechtenstein Lithuania la Lituanie Luxembourg le Luxembourg Macedonia la Macà ©doine Madagascar Madagascar (m) Malawi le Malawi Malaysia la Malaisie Maldives les Maldives (f) Mali le Mali Malta Malte (f) Marshall Islands les ÃŽles Marshall Mauritania la Mauritanie Mauritius ÃŽle Maurice (f) Mexico le Mexique (m) Micronesia la Micronà ©sie Moldavia la Moldavie Monaco Monaco Mongolia la Mongolie Montenegro le Montà ©nà ©gro Morocco le Maroc Mozambique le Mozambique Namibia la Namibie Nauru la Nauru Nepal le Nà ©pal Netherlands les Pays-Bas New Zealand la Nouvelle-Zà ©lande Nicaragua le Nicaragua Nieu Niouà © Niger le Niger Nigeria le Nigà ©ria North Korea la Corà ©e du Nord Northern Ireland l'Irelande du Nord (f) Norway la Norvà ¨ge Oman l'Oman (m) Pakistan le Pakistan Panama le Panama Papua New Guinea la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinà ©e Paraguay le Paraguay Peru le Pà ©rou Philippines les Philippines (f) Poland la Pologne Portugal le Portugal Qatar le Qatar Romania la Roumanie Russia la Russie Rwanda le Rwanda Saint Kitts-Nevis Saint-Christophe-et-Nià ©và ¨s (m) Saint Lucia Sainte-Lucie Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines San Marino Saint-Marin Sao Tomà © and Principe Sao Tomà © et Principe (m) Saudi Arabia l'Arabie saoudite (f) Scotland l'Écosse (f) Senegal le Sà ©nà ©gal Serbia la Serbie Seychelles les Seychelles (f) Sierra Leone la Sierra Leone Slovakia la Slovaquie Slovenia la Slovà ©nie Soloman Islands les ÃŽles Salomon Somalia la Somalie South Africa l'Afrique du Sud (f) South Korea la Corà ©e du Sud Spain l'Espagne (f) Sri Lanka le Sri Lanka Sudan le Soudan Surinam le Surinam Swaziland le Swaziland Sweden la Suà ¨de Switzerland la Suisse Syria la Syrie Tajikistan le Tadjikistan Tanzania la Tanzanie Thailand la Thaà ¯lande Togo le Togo Tonga les Tonga (f) Trinidad and Tobago la Trinità ©-et-Tobago Tunisia la Tunisie Turkey la Turquie Turkmenistan le Turkmà ©nistan Tuvalu le Tuvalu Uganda l'Ouganda (m) Ukraine l'Ukraine (f) United Arab Emirates les Émirats arabes unis (m) United Kingdom le Royaume-Uni United States (learn the states) les États-Unis (m) Uruguay l'Uruguay (m) Uzbekistan l'Ouzbà ©kistan (m) Vanuatu le Vanuatu Vatican le Vatican Venezuela le Venezuela Vietnam le Vià ªt-Nam Wales le pays de Galles Western Samoa les Samoa occidentales Yemen le Yà ©men Yugoslavia la Yougoslavie Zaire (Congo) le Zaà ¯re (m) Zambia la Zambie Zimbabwe le Zimbabwe (m)
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