Saturday, December 28, 2019
A Social Issue That Is On Domestic Violence - 1695 Words
1. Introduction This report is about a social issue that is on Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a big social issue that happens all around the world. It affects many people in many different ways. The aim of this report is to identify what Domestic Violence is and what it can really do to the community and how we can help. 2. What is Domestic Violence? Also known as intimate partner violence, it is a form of violence that can occur with any relationship. There can be more than 1 type of Domestic Violence, Social, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Economical. Physical- Physical abuse is used against someone that injures or dangers a person. It is a crime whether it happens inside or outside of the family. No matter the form of physical abuse that is used even if its minor you can be severely injured as a result. In a relationship a spouse or partner may have injured you a few times but it is likely they will continue to do so. Emotional- Emotional abuse is usually unrecognised and can be very hurtful to someone. Not all abusive relationships involve violence, just because your not bruised and hurt doesn’t mean you haven’t been abused. Men and women have been hurt from emotional abuse and are no less hurtful than physical abuse. Emotional abuse is when someone makes you feel your not good enough by being yelled at, name calling, blamed for things, made to feel shamed, isolated from friends or family, scared, trapped, and the feeling of being controlled. You may feelShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Of Domestic Violence1409 Words  | 6 Pagesexecuted. The social issue of domestic violence is becoming very prevalent in the world’s society, and has called for a new category of social experiment. 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According to Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, it is believed to be the most commonRead MoreDomestic Violence Is Now Broadly Defined As All Acts Of1586 Words  | 7 Pages Domestic violence is now broadly defined as all acts of physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence committed by a family member or intimate partner. It has to do with a pattern of power and control exerted by partner or family member upon another. The constancy and severity of the abuse can vary however, it always has a negative impact on the relationship. The devastating impact can last for a long time crossing generations or a lifetime. The battered women movement goal was to seeRead MoreDomestic Violence Between The United States And The Republic Of Ireland1670 Words  | 7 Pages An Analysis of the Differences in the Handling of Domestic Violence between the United States and the Republic of Ireland. 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People and social institutions cannot closeRead MoreViolence Against Children and Women702 Words  | 3 Pagesnumerous years, violence against children and women has not only been accepte d and tolerated as an ordinary practice, but it has as well been encouraged. Patriarchal societies across the world view children and women as being submissive members of a family while men hold dominant roles. Laws and the society have often promoted a mans rights to manipulate and control his family, even through violence, from the olden days to the present world. Domestic violence refers to aggression or violence perpetratedRead MoreThe Postmodern Theory Of Narrative Therapy Interventions1594 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to the postmodern theory, a person’s perceived reality is a social construct that is influenced by social and political discourses (Cummins, Sevel, Pedrick, 2012). Postmodernist focus on these discourses because it is believed that our realities are shaped by language, both verbal and written communication (Chang Nylund, 2013). Thus, postmodernism hypothesizing that since reality can be constructed by society, it can also be reconstructed or reframed u sing language. A major interventionsRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence Against Women1497 Words  | 6 PagesOver the last 50 years the world has made huge strides against the issue of domestic violence against women. While this may seem like a great moral victory for us as a society we have a long way to go before the issue is under control. The very image of a man striking a woman immediately strikes a chord with most of us, causing great discomfort. If we switch the roles however the same proverbial chord lies there dormant. In fact when a man is struck in a movie by a woman it is often displayedRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Indigenous Women947 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle â€Å"Domestic violence against indigenous women is everybody’s problem†domestic violence is depicted as a serious social problem that involves â€Å"unspeakable acts of violence†that leaves victims experiencing fear and despair (Taylor 2014). More specifically, the socia l construction of domestic violence will be discussed with an emphasis on Aboriginal women and a typology of intimate partner violence. The social construction of domestic violence has serious implications for victims of domestic abuseRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words  | 5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environment for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Fighting the Dreaded Chemo Brain - 841 Words
â€Å"The sanctuary looks like it has been hosed down with Pepto Bismol,†Maelyn retorts. â€Å"Pink is my signature color†Shelby announces proudly. Well on April 4th, I officially became of the â€Å"Pink is my Signature Color†club. Now please know, membership in this organization was not requested. I did not ask to join, pay any dues, or even aspire to be apart of this exclusive club. But here I am†¦ an official card carrying member of the â€Å"Breast Cancer Society†and now pink is indeed my signature color†¦ or is it? As I stood in my purple colored bedroom that I temporarily occupy at my parents’ home, on the day that my parents were celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary, and remembering the marriage proposal of my sweet husband that was just one year prior in the very same home, I tried to take in the information my doctor was telling me. On April Fools Day (how appropriate), I underwent a core needle biopsy on (according to the radiologist) a â€Å"pretty good size mass†in my right breast. After a fall down the stairs in January, I experienced some swelling in my left breast, that led to a mammogram, an ultrasound, and finally a biopsy. In hindsight, when the radiologist and his nurse spoke to me after the ultrasound, I should have caught on to what he, with all his medical mumbo-jumbo, was trying to tell me. Instead, I remember telling tell my best friend my husband, â€Å"It was weird. I think they expected me to flip out like I actually have breast cancer.Show MoreRelatedLupus: The Misunderstood Sickness. If You Must Have A Terrible1698 Words  | 7 Pageswhen there is mold in your bread, you need to get it out (or throw the bread away so maybe that s not a very good analogy but you get the point). There s something there in your body that shouldn t be there and the treatment is to get it out asap. Chemo, friends run 5K, everyone shows solidarity, and with any luck and the miracle of modern medicine, one is cured. Contrast that with Lupus. Here s where it gets tricky. With Lupus, your body begins to hate itself. Your body starts to think, for some
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Building the Sustainable Organization-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Business Model Innvation at BHP Billition and Business Model Innovation at Wesfarmers. Answer: Key Strategic Idea BHP Billiton is one of the market leaders in their field of metal, mining and petroleum. The company has followed a unique structure and strategy in the last decade to gain competitive advantage in the market. BHP Billiton is largest mining company in the world and this has been possible only because of the usage of innovation in the business model (Grant et al. 2014). The company has kept its core value intact and it has produced positive results for them. BHP Billitons Strategy is based on diversification where the organization tries to operate on low cost, long life, expandable assets. Wesfarmers have invested in retail, coal mining, chemicals, industrial products for safety and fertilizers. This shows that the organization has a diversified portfolio and the organization is able to gain large amount share in market due to the innovation they sue in their business model. Wesfarmers is one of the largest companies in Australia and has been able to hold on the market share due to their use of innovation in the business model. Wesfarmers have a strong management capability, which helps them to formulate and execute strategies (Biddle 2016). The company monitors day to day activities to ensure maximum productivity in all their diversified portfolios. Business model innovation at BHP Billiton The business model that has been established by the company helps in the development of the core competencies and the at the same time expertises in the development, evaluation, selling and extraction of natural resources. The business of the organization is asset intensive and the success of the organization is dependent on the safety, reliability and productivity of the operations (Perrott 2015). The improvements in the productivity of the organization with the help of unique features are the reason for their huge share in the market. The scale of operation of the company is large which will minimize the production cost of the company. The operations of the company is diversified which consists of commodities of various types which helps to hedge the risks involved in the market. The company also uses innovative ways to reduce the cost of the supply chain of the organization. the company uses simple integrated metrics in a structured way to make improvement in the productivity. The company continuously measure the performance to make further improvements (Klettner, Clarke and Boersma 2014). The continuous enhancement in the culture and the technology in the organization has helped the organization to lay the foundation for the growth and production. There are lot of complexities associated with the mining industry but the company has made usage of the simple design to monitor the performance. The business model is designed in such way that it will help the organization in all the elements. Therefore, all the essential activities in the organization is monitored on a regular basis to ensure effective use of resources. The supply chain of the organization is very effective and it acts a backbone for the operating model of the organization. The supply chain of the organization helps to streamline of the business model. The organization uses a integrated system for management which helps the organization track, measure and benchmark the performances in to a singl e component. The company sues standard process and common system to step up duplication of the best practices (Chaston 2017). The company spends a lot of capital on the research and development of technology. The continuous improvement in the technology acts as a major catalyst in the growth in the productivity of the organization. The organization in still searching for autonomous ways to reduce the cost and time involved in the operations. The company is focusing on improvement in the technology through innovation, which will help the organization to improve safety, increase the output and minimize the cost of production. Business model innovation at Wesfarmers Wesfarmers has a diversified portfolio, which helps the organization to hedge the risk involved in the market. The use of big data is one of the key to success of the organization and they have huge amount of data on customer information, which provides valuable insights. The big data analysis of the data helps the organization to pick best location for their stores and provides guidance in the marketing campaign of the company. This has helped the organization to gain competitive advantage in the market. Coles insurance is one of the divisions which is not known by the organization and it plays a very important role in the growth of the organization (Sokolov Mladenovi? and ?uzovi? 2015). The company uses competitive marketing strategy to increase the growth and productivity of the organization. Wesfarmers have made a lot of acquisitions which has created value for the organization. The main reason of the success of the organization is due to the diversified portfolio of the company as it able to hedge the risk in the market. The company tries to make usage of innovation to analyze the needs and wants of the consumers. The company uses big data to identify the trends in the market, which will help the organization to identify the most popular products in the retail sector. The company has been able to gain a majority of share in the market and keeps on using long term planning as the basis of their strategy. However, the business model of the organization has been criticized severely because of the decrease in the growth of the organization. However, the company is using the same strategy and business model as it has full confidence that they will be able to bounce and regain the loss share in the market (Nwogugu 2016). The organization uses innovative structure to sustain the leaseback and sale of property so that they can drive the return on capital. The growth of the mining division is less but the deficit is being covered by the growth in the retail. This s hows that diversification of the portfolio is one of the strong suits for the organization. There are lot of experts who feel that the organization needs to change their business model but the CEO of the company has defended their business model and will be using the same business model which has proved to be successful for the organization for so many decades (Beech et al. 2017). References Beech, N., MacIntosh, R., Krust, P., Kannan, S. and Dadich, A., 2017.Managing change. Cambridge University Press. Biddle, I., 2016. The Wesfarmers/Woolworths duopoly war: The Bunnings vs. Masters battle.Busidate,24(3), p.3. Chaston, I., 2017. Entrepreneurship. InTechnological Entrepreneurship(pp. 1-24). Springer International Publishing. Grant, R., Butler, B., Orr, S. and Murray, P.A., 2014.Contemporary strategic management: An Australasian perspective. John Wiley Sons Australia, Ltd.. Klettner, A., Clarke, T. and Boersma, M., 2014. The governance of corporate sustainability: Empirical insights into the development, leadership and implementation of responsible business strategy.Journal of Business Ethics,122(1), pp.145-165. Nwogugu, M.C., 2016. Corporate Governance, Financial Stability and Evolving Insurtech: The Case of Insurance Australia Group (2011-2016). Perrott, B.E., 2015. Building the sustainable organization: an integrated approach.Journal of Business Strategy,36(1), pp.41-51. Sokolov Mladenovi?, S. and ?uzovi?, ?., 2015. FRANCHISING AS THE MODEL OF INTERNATIONALISATION OF RETAILING.TEME: Casopis za Drutvene Nauke,39(1).
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Primary Health Care Constructs and Contexts
Question: Discuss about thePrimary Health Care Constructs and Contexts. Answer: Introduction Health promotion is essentially the process of enabling individuals to increase control over their health and by so doing lead to improvement. National health promotion programs are strategies started mostly by the government or non-governmental organizations which are aimed at improving people lifestyles by enabling them to increase control over their health. National health promotion programs make a positive contribution as far as improvement of human health is concerned. Within the framework of primary health care, health promotion plays a fundamental role in improving outcomes in the prevention as well as control of both chronic and communicable diseases. It is the duty of the government to take care of its people by coming up with national health care programs which are aimed at improving their health. The government is also tasked with coming up with strategies aimed at ensuring there is quality, affordable and accessible health care for all citizens. Health essentially starts in our homes, workplaces; communities as well as schools. This explains why some individuals are healthier than others. National health promotions programs are aimed at ensuring that the factors that affect health are solved to ensure that most people if not all are healthy. Bio-psycho-social and ecological determinants of health affect individuals, families, communities and groups in different settings. Social determinants of health concentrate on social factors as well as the physical conditions of the environment in which individuals are born, learn, live, play, work as well as age. If an individual is unable to access resources to meet his or her daily needs, then there the person less likely to be unhealthy. Immunize Australia program is one of the national health promotion programs. This program is aimed at providing support information for a campaign to increase the rate of national immunization by funding free vaccination programs and by so doing improve the peoples overall health and wellbeing. It also funds the purchase of vaccinations with the aim of protecting millions of Australians. Immunization is essentially a simple, safe as well as effective way of protecting individuals against harmful diseases that pose potential a potential threat to the health of the community. Furthermore, immunization reduces transmission in a given society. In other words, the higher the number of people vaccinated in a given community, the fewer the chances of any disease spreading. This program implements the schedule of national immunization program that offers vaccines to sixteen diseases. The Australian government provides funding to the Victorian cytology service for the purposes of administerin g the national HPV vaccination program register. It also provides funding to the department of human services so as to administer the Australian childhood immunization register which records all vaccinations given to children below the age of seven (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). The immunize Australia program was started to meet and create awareness in regards to immunizations. Many Australian children are still dying as a result of vaccine-preventable diseases hence the need to carry out extensive immunization among children and adults. Vaccine coverage is low and as a result children are dying as a result of influenza, pneumococcal disease, pertussis as well as meningococcal disease (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). Immunization is fundamental since the benefits of outweigh the risk factors. Many of vaccine-preventable diseases are usually highly contagious and can be devastating to an individuals immune system. Most of the people who are unvaccinated immediately get the disease once they come in contact with it. For instance, as far as whooping cough is concerned, roughly ninety percent of unimmunized household contacts will catch the disease. This statistics show the need for adults and children to take the issue of vaccination seriously since it affects everybody in the family (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). A strong primary health care program is the one that supports citizens and communities to be healthy. Vaxon app is one example of this strategy. This is a medical application that is aimed at reminding parents or guardians when immunization for their children is due. The application was developed by the victorian department of health and human services. This strategy in collaboration with the immunize Australia program makes it very hard for children and adults to miss their immunization hence contributing to better health for citizens (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). The program aims at sensitizing people on the important of communal immunization. One person being immunized is not enough. The whole community should be immunized so that those who cannot be immunized for one reason or the other stay safe. The health workers should also be immunized to ensure that they are part of the solution and not the problem. When they fail to take vaccination they risk the lives of many who come in contact with them on daily bases (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). Culture also impacts the health of a person. An individuals cultural background influences his or her behavior, belief, emotion, perspective, attitude to illness and pain among others. All of these can influence health and the need to seek health care. Different cultures interpret and filter science differently. Some cultures recommend against seeking modern doctors advocating for traditional doctors who may not have the necessary knowledge and expertise to deal with some complicated illnesses (Naidoo Wills, 2009). This is where health promotion comes in to try and educate people on ways to improve their health appropriately. Health interventions that are aimed at supporting healthy behaviors have been most successful when they show sensitivity to the culture of the target population. Cultures sometimes spread rumors regarding immunizations hence discouraging community member from participating in the exercise. This program is trying to change some of the cultures misguided views wh en it comes to immunization and by so doing the overall health and well-being of the nation will improve significantly (Whitehead, 2004). As far as assessment is concerned, childhood immunization register was established for the purposes of providing quarterly reports on immunization rates. These statistics help to create a clear picture of the situation on the ground and to show whether there are any headways being made (Upton, 2014). Effectiveness of the Program This program has been very effective because Australia has met the world health organizations goal in immunization (World Health Organization, 2014). Australia has ninety percent coverage for most childhood vaccines therefore contributing to better preventive health system in Australia. The coverage rate has also been growing among the indigenous people of Australia. In 2012, the percentage of fully vaccinated indigenous children aged 12, 24 as well as 60 months was 86 percent, 92 percent as well as 91percent respectively. The aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities have also been able to receive extra immunization since they have specific medical conditions that make them more vulnerable as far as some diseases are concerned. Health inequality has been a very big problem for the various governments that have been in power in Australia. The aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities have especially those who live in the rural and remote areas have been affected most since they have little or no access to health care services (Baum, 2014). This program has brought about changes as far as this health gap is concerned since these communities are now able to get additional vaccines. The vaccinations can be accessed through community controlled aboriginal medical services or local health services (Marmot Wilkinson, 2006). Immunization has led to the reduction of previously widespread childhood diseases. In particular, diphtheria and polio have virtually disappeared as a result of extensive immunization. Statistically speaking, there has been a ninety-five percent reduction in haemophilus influenza type b infections (Fawcett Ellenbecker, 2015). Economic stability affects an individuals, family, ground and communities health. In a setting where poverty is high and employment is not forthcoming, food becomes scarce and housing becomes a problem leading to a decline in health. There is a connection between health and social status. A persons social status in todays word is dictated by his or her education, wealth, occupation and lifestyle among other minor factors like ethnicity and personality. Essentially each of these or a mix of these factors can cause negative or positive health consequences on an individual. Those in higher social status usually enjoy better health (Swider, Levin, Kulbok, 2015). People who live in abject poverty lack opportunities and resources necessary to make good choices as far as their health is concerned. Poverty exposes people to very inferior physical environments, therefore, making them perfect candidates for health problems. Low-income individuals in third world countries often die as a result of treatable diseases but because of financial constraints, they shy away from hospitals. Young children are usually the most affected. Immunize Australia program has proved useful by giving free immunization free of charge therefore bringing on bond families and communities which would have otherwise not had access due to financial constraints (Adrian, 2009). It is a challenge to provide high-quality and affordable health services due to several complexities like cost, quality, and accessibility. The Ottawa charter for health promotion advocates for there to be healthy public policy, developing personal skills, re-orienting health services, creating a supportive environment for health as well as strengthening community action for health (The Bangkok Charter For Health Promotion In A Globalized World, Global Conference On Health Promotion, World Health Organization, 2005). The Ottawa health policies have enabled and challenged governments to take an active role in world health public policy as well to provide health care to all sectors of the population. The immunize Australia program is a step in the right direction as far as meeting the requirements of the Ottawa charter (Carryer, Halcomb Davidson, 2015). Challenges However, as much as this program has brought about positive benefits there are still areas that need improvement as far as communities are concerned. Some indigenous communities have been sidelined for instance the Australian indigenous communities have been documented as one of the many excluded communities. Health care services have not yet been able to reach all of the aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities hence the coverage is not as good as it should be (Brobeck, Odencrants, Bergh Hildingh, 2013). Secondly, immunization programs usually target healthy populations since they usually do not seek out immunization. The healthy individuals usually think that they do not need any vaccination since they are less likely to suffer from certain diseases hence they often shy away from vaccination centers (Roden, Jarvis, Campbell-Crofts Whitehead, 2016). Thirdly, myths and misconceptions as far as safety the safety of immunization is concerned also pose a challenge. Some people have certain misconceptions and myths regarding vaccinations. They often assume that the immune system can generate its own antibodies on its own so no need for vaccines. This makes the programs objectives difficult to achieve since holding on to some of these myths and misconceptions makes them hesitant to go vaccinations therefore leading for fall in vaccination rates (Mcmurray Clendon, 2015). Finally, when the immunization program is successful, then it leads to contentment especially among health care professionals and the general public. Immunization tends to be undervalued especially in a situation where the serious consequences of disease are no longer experienced firsthand. As such, individuals shift their focus from the immunization to the rare adverse events and misconceptions (Buse, Mays Walt, 2012). Conclusion All in all, good health is crucial and that is the reason why health promotion strategies are put in place to ensure that people are informed on what they need to do to ensure that they maintain their good health. There are many determinants of health and the world health organization in collaboration with the governments of the day is trying everything in their power to ensure that good health is not only realized but maintained. This is being done by the signing of charters like the Bangkok and Jakarta charters. These policies are aimed at ensuring that strategies are put in place and executed to ensure that people enjoy good health in all parts of the world. Immunize Australia program has resulted in an increase in the number of people being immunized. However, a lot needs to be done so as to reach the coverage target and at the same time reduce the rate of conscientious protestations. As far as future directions are concerned, the program is aiming at reaching the immunization co verage target which is set at 95 percent for measles. The reason for the high target is primarily because measles is highly contagious. It will also aid in supporting Australias contribution to achieving measles elimination especially in the western pacific region. References Adrian, A. (2009).Primary health care in Australia: a nursing and midwifery consensus view. [Australia], Australian Nursing Federation. Brobeck E, Odencrants S, Bergh H, Hildingh C. (2013). Health promotion practice and its implementation in Swedish health care.International Nursing Review.60, 374-80. Baum F, et al. (2014). Evaluation of Health in All Policies: concept, theory and application.Health Promotion International.29, 130-42. Buse, K., Mays, N., Walt, G. (2012).Making health policy. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, Open University Press. Carryer, J., Halcomb, E., Davidson, P. M. (2015). Nursing: the answer to the primary health care dilemma.Collegian-Deakin-.22, 151-152. Fawcett J, Ellenbecker Ch. (2015). A proposed conceptual model of nursing and population health.Nursing Outlook.63. Immunise Australia Program, Australia. (2000).Immunise Australia Program. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. Dept. of Health and Ageing. Marmot, M. G., Wilkinson, R. G. (2006).Social determinants of health. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Mcmurray, A., Clendon, J. (2015).Community health and wellness: primary health care in practice. Naidoo, J., Wills, J. (2009).Foundations for health promotion. Edinburgh, Elsevier. Roden J, Jarvis L, Campbell-Crofts S, Whitehead D. (2016). Australian rural, remote and urban community nurses' health promotion role and function.Health Promotion International.31, 704-14. Swider Sm, Levin Pf, Kulbok Pa. (2015). Creating the future of public health nursing: a call to action.Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.).32. The Bangkok Charter For Health Promotion In A Globalized World, Global Conference On Health Promotion, World Health Organization. (2005).The Bangkok charter for health promotion in a globalized world. [Geneva], [WHO]. Upton, D. (2014).Health promotion. Whitehead, D. (2004). Health promotion and health education: advancing the concepts.Journal of Advanced Nursing.47, 311-320. World Health Organization. (2014).Health promotion glossary. Geneva, World Health Organization.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Show how Romeos behavior and attitude reveal different aspects of love Essay Example
Show how Romeos behavior and attitude reveal different aspects of love Essay A tragic love story of two star cross lovers which reveal many aspects of love. The impetuous Romeo certainly demonstrates different responses as love develops.In the opening scenes, Romeos mother, Lady Montague, asks Benvolio, Romeos friend if he knows his where abouts. Dramatically the audience learns of Romeos troubled mind. From this you can see Romeo is love sick and depressed. (I i 11) Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out and makes himself an artificial night. His sadness, tears orgmenting and deep sighs. You can see this when Romeo enters the scene. Benvolio is asked by Lady Montague and Montague why Romeo is so depressed and the reason for his mood.Romeo is in love with a lady called Rosaline but is out of favor with her. Romeo has never been in love before and hasnt experienced the emotion in which he is feeling. Romeo is enjoying being in love, never before has he felt this way about anyone. The language reflects Romeos confusion and is obvious from the metaphors t hat Romeos view of love is imaginary and not real. How would he know if this feeling he got was love, he hasnt had any feelings for anyone else! Later during the scene, Romeo is still wallowing in unrequited love. Rosaline does not love Romeo back and Benvolio suggests to Romeo that there are plenty of beauties out there. Romeo does not want to hear this at all.Romeos friends persuade him to go to the Capulets party. They gathered that Romeo might find someone fairer than Rosaline. Romeo agreed to go the party because of the fact he read that Rosaline would be attending the party.The convention of the ball was Masks and this would allow easy entry for Romeo and his friends into their enemys house. Romeo sets out to find Rosaline but immediately falls in love at first sight, with Juliet. Oh she doth teach the torches to shine bright (I 5 45). Romeo uses religious imagery which is symbolic that love is deeper, and suggests the idea of meeting with great passion. It is written as a son net which makes the event much more important. This is a form of poetry which reflects the language, especially love poetry in Shakespeares time.Juliet feels the same way for Romeo as he does for her, and they both realize they have fallen in love with the enemy. Romeos love for Juliet means him risking his safety to be with his love. Romeo is prepared to risk everything, even his family name for Juliets sake. The marriage must remain a secret and Friar Lawrence agrees to help the young lovers. Romeo must make practical arrangements with the nurse for the wedding nightAfter the success of the secret marriage, Romeos attitude towards his enemies, the Capulets changes. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel and Romeo refuses. Mercutio especially and Romeos other friends are angered and insulted with his refusal to fight. Tragedy occurs when Romeo tries to prevent Mercutio and Tybalt fighting. For a moment in time, Romeos friendship for Mercutio overcomes his love for Juliet and his marriag e, guilt and sorrow at his friend death vanishes his intensions to be loving towards his in laws, killers of his friend. In revenge Romeo kills Tybalt and is vanished.Romeo is distraught in what he has done; Juliet is his love, his soul mate, being without such love, unimaginable. This will destroy her. Friar Lawrence tries to comfort Romeo, but Romeo ignores his attempt to stop him weeping and tries to stab himself. The friar tells Romeo to be a man and to comfort his love, his wife.The nurse brought a ring from Juliet to Romeo which makes him realize that this tragedy has not destroyed what they have- each other and their love for one another. To send a ring in Shakespeares time was a token of love. Some people might do that today, where others use it as a sign of friendship. Romeo would not physically do anything to hurt Juliet and cares more about Juliet than his own sorrow. The poetry of the lovers wedding night reflects the emotion of their love.That night, Romeo has a dream t hat his lady found him dead. This is a sense of dramatic irony (5 1 6).Back with the nurse at Juliets house, she has been proposed to by a rich young man, and is to marry him this coming Thursday. Juliet panics and doesnt know what to do. She tries to send a message to Romeo to tell him of her death, but it fails to get there. Juliet has everything planned, she is willing to give up everything, her life, well nearly, to be with Romeo and so she swallows the poison.Balfazar hears of Juliets death and at once tells Romeo, but Balfazar does not know that Juliet will wake from her long sleep, to make a new start with Romeo.Romeo cannot live alone; his word also suggests his eternal quality of his love and defies even the stars to join his lady in death. Here once again, Romeo is willing to give up his life as he can not bare not to be with his love, Juliet. Love is consuming as Romeo found out.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Mental Health Essay
Mental Health Essay Mental Health Essay Alessandra, who was a senior in college and just finishing up her final year at her university. The hustle of being a senior was overwhelming. The last 2 weeks of college is the most laborious for anyone graduating with finals, graduation, the goodbyes and the tedious preparation of packing up all four years of belongings to take home. Much like her peers, Alessandra was ready. Ready to see her family, begin looking for her career and finally reuniting with her boyfriend, Mike, from back home. It was during her strenuous week of final exams when she noticed that she wasn’t feeling her best. It started with a tickle in her throat and a stuffy nose. â€Å"The inevitable is happening. I’m getting sick†she thought, but quickly realized that there was just no time to worry about a cold. Finally after finals, she found some time to go to the doctor and get something for her cold. The doctor prescribed her a common antibiotic that she would have to take for ten days. â€Å"This is great news,†she thought, â€Å"the antibiotic will fight off whatever I have, so I can finally start my life and move in with Mike.†Everything was falling into place for the bright young graduate. Graduation came and went and finally, after two days of packing, she was ready to head home. It was a long three hour drive, but felt like an eternity since she wasn’t well. Why hadn’t the antibiotics kicked in yet? It was the fourth day of taking the medication when she realized she wasn’t feeling any better. In fact, the medication she was taking was making her feel really nauseous. After completing the antibiotics, she realized she felt worse. She looked awful. She had lost weight, had rashes on her body and had developed difficulty swallowing. After multiple doctor visits, it was diagnosed that she had developed thrush from the antibiotics and had a severe reaction to it. More medication was given but once she started feeling physically better, she started feeling anxious. Anxious that she would get so sick again and eventually die. She didn’t leave the house for days. She felt safe only at home with her parents. â€Å"I can only depend on themà ¢â‚¬ she thought. When the time came for her to see Mike, she started to feel anxious and afraid because she knew he wanted to live together. She wanted to stay at home where her parents could take care of her. Her parents didn’t understand how their independent successful daughter with a bright future had changed so drastically. It was like anxiety had taken over her whole body. She started wondering if she would ever feel normal again. After about a month of feeling anxious, and reading that medication was the solution to her problem, she decided medication was not for her. She decided to tackle her anxiety head on with a method called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. This method is based on 3 key facts to reduce anxiety. The first is the Relaxation technique. Learning how to relax can be a helpful part of therapy. Whenever our bodies react to anxiety, our muscles tense and our breathing gets shallow. This is where the panic usually sets in for people like Alessandra suffering with anxiety. Calm breathing which involves slowing down the breath helps regulate your
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Starbucks' Foreign Direct Investment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Starbucks' Foreign Direct Investment - Case Study Example rbucks experience†in a foreign country, the company decided to consider entering into a â€Å"joint-venture†agreement with the foreign business partners. By doing so, it was easier on the part of Starbucks to transfer its business culture and practice to Japan. This was done by instructing some American employees to train the newly hired workers in Japan. By teaching the foreign workers on how Starbucks is making their coffee, the company was able to extend the Starbucks atmosphere in a foreign land. Starbucks decided to enter into a joint-venture agreement with its pre-selected foreign business partners. As a common knowledge, Starbucks is new in a foreign country. Therefore, it would be very difficult on the part of Starbucks to gain sufficient knowledge about the business licensing requirements in Japan, its existing labor policies, and the business culture in Japan among others (Morrison et al., 2008, p. 56). By taking advantage of the joint venture agreement, it will be so much easier on the part of Starbucks to learn more about the Japanese market. Likewise, joint-venture will also help the company remove barriers related to cultural and language differences (Kreitner & Cassidy, 2011, p. 96). Without losing Starbucks’ control over its foreign business partner, the joint-venture agreement will make it easier for Starbucks to establish a strong business relationship with its potential suppliers. Q.3 What are the advantages of a joint-venture entry mode for Starbucks over entering through wholly owned subsidiaries? On occasion, Starbucks has chosen a wholly owned subsidiary to control its foreign expansion (i.e. in Britain and Thailand). Why? Among the advantages of joint-venture agreement includes allowing Starbucks to share the risks of operating its business in a foreign market like the Britain and Thailand (Schermerhorn, 2010, p. 383). In case Starbucks’ target consumers in a foreign land do not patronize Starbucks’ products and services, the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Politics and government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Politics and government - Essay Example Additionally, politics is applied on an extensive range of communal levels, from modern local governments, tribes and clans of traditional community, institutions and companies up to international levels, and also to independent states. Therefore, Government is the system through which a community or state is governed. However, the term government can be used scarcely to refer to a combined group of people who carry outs executive authority in a nation. Thus, the broader definition of the word government, generally consists of administrators, arbitrators and legislators. Thus, Government is the means by which the mechanism for determining the policy of the state and enforcement of the state policy. Furthermore, a form of state government thus refers to a set of political institutions and systems that come up with the establishment of a particular government. Additionally, both government and politics are words that are interrelated and are reliant on each other. For instance, for governing one needs to be aware of the politics art. Whereas a politician who is in control must know how to govern. In today’s society, politics is important because it tells people how societies should be formed and how one should act in a community. Moreover, due to the power, governments have abused lately, some people don’t believe its importance in the community or society. However, government is necessary and will be necessary if every new age group comes up with a new crop of predators. Therefore, the governments upholds individual bill of rights through the constitution. For instance, the freedom to speech, freedom to association, freedom of worship among others. Further, the na me of this political system is socialism. Lastly, politicians set rules and regulations that are fundamental for the smooth running of the government (Hague and Harrop, 210). My level of interest in politics and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Philosophy Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophy Assignment - Essay Example In such extreme expression this relativism may dangerously threaten the efficiency of international law and international remedial systems which had been created during many decades. If the observance of international standards will be regulated by extremely cultural tradition, large-scale disrespect, violation and infringements of human rights will become consecrated by the law. In â€Å"The Challenge of Cultural Relativism†Rachels attacks the trendy idea of cultural relativism: Undoubtedly, this argument is unacceptable because the principle is right, but the conclusion is wrong. So, it does not follow from the simple fact of difference that there is no real truth regarding the matter of incongruity. In process of interaction and mix of cultures the culture of the personality also changes. This process may both enrich and disorient people. Present instability of cultural aspect of the personality reflects fundamental changes in how we today perceive and express themselves. According to Rachels there are three consequences of cultural relativism. He states that if relativism were true â€Å"we could no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to our own†. Also â€Å"we could decide whether actions are right or wrong just by consulting the standards of our society.†Moreover â€Å"the ideas of moral progress and social reform would be meaningless†. However, many of us don’t want to recognize these consequences. So the conclusion of Rachels is the following: â€Å"cultural relativism is not true†. 2. In â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia’†Rachels argues the distinction between two kinds of euthanasia and focuses on the moral difference between killing the patient and letting him die. He discusses the difference between two kinds of euthanasia – the first, so-called â€Å"activeâ€
Friday, November 15, 2019
Developing a Framework to Enhance Pupil Learning
Developing a Framework to Enhance Pupil Learning How Can Curriculum Frameworks Be Designed, Implemented and Supported to Enhance Pupil Learning? Define Frameworks The National Curriculum Framework constitutes the essential components of school from key stage one and two at essential level and key stage three and four at optional level, incorporating instruction for kids with extraordinary needs (National Curriculum of England, 2014). The National Curriculum Framework is the crucial archive that exhibits the components of the educational modules framework: the qualities, objectives, standards, substance and general objectives of instructive regions, the assessment of student accomplishments, and the assessment and self-assessment of the acknowledgment of the national educational modules (Znanosti, 2010). It can be seen as the instructive territory of subject structure, deciding the subjects and modules of the main subjects, discretionary subjects and modules, student workload. At the end of the day, the National Curriculum Framework is the reason for the planning of syllabi and other educational modules reports including; rules for the utilizat ion of the educational modules, instructor manuals, parent manuals, principles for the arrangement of course readings and other showing materials, norms and benchmarks for the evaluation of the way of pupil achievements and school operations. National Curriculum Frameworks primary is centre is pupil achievement and development in informational domains, dealt with according to preparing cycles, and depictions and destinations of group points that focus on working up the key territories in preparing for students and there can be a wide range of different curriculum frameworks that can be linked to different subject areas such as self-determination theory and the sport education model, both have been heavily researched in the field of physical education. National Curriculum Framework likewise adds to the arranging and association of school operations, including the reception of the school educational programs (Ryan, 2007). The National Curriculum Framework is an advancement archive seeing that it will prompt to the improvement, arranging, or elaboration of every single other record, and seeing that it will be interested in changes and persistent recharging as per changes and improvements in the public eye and instruction (Znanosti, 2010). Quick changes in science, innovation, the economy, and different ranges of social life put before training ever-new necessities, and this prompts to the requirement for steady assessment and alteration of the national educational modules. Instructive qualities, objectives, capabilities and standards are controlled by empowering the comprehension of the essential course of improvement of the national educational modules, and constitute key determinants for the harmonization of the arranging of the advancement and operation of training organizations (Znanosti, 2010). Goals and longings of pupil achievement in informational zones and furthermore the depictions and targets of cross-curricular topics help the schools relate subjects more viably, streamline educating, and enhance preparing with optional and non-fundamental subjects and extracurricular activities as per schools profiles and needs, the necessities of the pupils, and the prerequisites of the more extensive group. A present day approach to manage the arranging and headway of the national instructive modules logically decentralizes and democratizes this technique, moreover, incorporates and extends obligation with respect to any movements to fuse educators, accomplices, principals, and other basic accomplices and customers of preparing youths, pupils, and people from the group and common gathering, social assistants, and others. Product Process Models It is contended that the development of curriculum in education is a result of many factors including, how it is used by teachers and how it is put together, it can also depend on who you are teaching (Ornstein and Hunkins, 2009). Models is curriculum push teachers who efficiently and straightforwardly set establish the reason for the use of these models and how to implement them in specific teaching, educating and evaluation approaches. It was endorsed by Ornstein and Hunkins (2009) who say in despite the way that educational modules are really used, they as often as possible neglect the human perspective, for instance, the individual perspectives, opinions, values required in educational modules making. Along these lines, they cannot be seen as an equivalence and are advised against being used ahead of your leading and the individual judgment of the teacher on what is a bad approach and a good approach to manage pupil education. An ordinarily explained, adjustment of models of educ ational development is those suggested by numerous creators known by the Product Model and Process Model. It was shown by Neary (2003) that these as are arrangements in addition to expectations known as The Product Model) and the other one which portrays and accentuates exercises in addition to impacting on learning known as The Process Model, both have been heavily researched in education roles Models that developed out of Tylers work, such as Popham and Baker (1970), were criticised for their over emphasis on learning objectives and were viewed as employing very technical, means-to-end reasoning (ONeill, 2010). It was expressed by Knight, (2001) in a study regarding curriculum planning in the process model in contrast with the product model, he says that it is vital to plan instinctively when it comes to curriculum, and that the teacher must trust in themselves and good teacher outcomes will come to fruition, they must also consider who they are teaching, as if the pupils dont understand what is being taught, nothing is learned. This prescribes it might be easier to establish the area that is being justly attempting to satisfy in learning establishment, in addition to who you are teaching it to and then to process meaning it can then be shaped to what is trying to be taught and whats more relevant will be established. There is a degree of various and more particular models which autonomously, or with everything considered, may be more beneficial. A portion of the informational project models have ended up being out of various edifying settings, like in higher education for instance. Regardl ess, most models are easily adapted to be used in all areas. This is comparable to Product/Process, to the extent that informational undertakings models. It is believed that it ought not to be viewed as being positive or negative. In another approach, informational ventures progress can be seen as a productive chart for sorting out the environment of education and learning, this approach has been portrayed as being certified and proficient. In comparison, the non-technical approach is individual and refined as its primary focus is based around who is learning (Ornstein and Hunkins, 2004). However, the product model is key in making plus passing on clear outcomes to the pupils and has changed its focus and emphasis a long way from plans of substance. Late written work, recommends that when this model is being utilised, it is recommended that care is taken to be become unnecessarily strict when teaching and learning comes about (Hussey and Smith, 2003, Maher, 2004, Gosling, 2009; Hussey and Smith, 2008). In research by Hussey and Smith (2003, p367, they found; Accepting that student motivation is an essential element in learning, we propose that those who teach should begin to reclaim learning outcomes and begin to frame them more broadly and flexibly, to allow for demonstrations and expressions of appreciation, enjoyment and even pleasure, in the full knowledge that such outcomes pose problems for assessment. Research looking at another education model approach, it was found that there is an extensive variety of instructive projects models that can be used. Another model to be considered in education is known as the Backward Design Model, established in work by Wiggins and McTighe (2010), this is a notable model as it associates with Graduate Attributes and Competences. Finks (2003) prominent educational programs demonstrate in spite of the fact that non-specialized and is not seen as humanistic in its approach to education, additionally it appeals to the idea of drawing on past experiences in teacher to create an educational program. Taking everything into account, in conclusion, it can be seen that there isnt a single model that is beneficial to every educational program as a whole on a broad spectrum. Be that as it may, distinguishing and being predictable with all educational models for learning aid in the reinforcement unification and understanding of methodologies in different programs. An example of this, it is said by ONeill (2005) that; it is common in some Science and Professional Health Science programs that the early years may have a more specialised logical approach, though later years may have a more experiential approach. Be that as it may, in relation to the engagement of pupils when learning, is there a way that these educational models could be more fused and efficient over a program? Is it significant to recall over a program and question what might a graduate recollects (Fink, 2003). As a program group, it merits investigating outlooks when researching these distinctive educational models and utilising how to use them to aid you in an educational program design and also to deliver the program which has been created to ensure that what is being taught is the best and most efficient experience for peers and pupils who are also likely to use it to make sure that best practice is being used at all time when teaching. Student/Pupil Learning Student learning research began in Sweden, with Marton and Sà ¤ljà ¶Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s (1976) investigation of surface and profound ways on how to deal with education. They gave pupils a content to peruse, and let them know they would be made inquiries thereafter. Students reacted in two diverse ways. The principal aggregate learned in foresight of the inquiries, focusing restlessly on the realities and subtle elements that may be inquired. They skated along the surface of the content, as Marton and Sà ¤ljà ¶ put it, utilizing a surface way to deal with learning. What these students recollected was a rundown of disconnected actualities; they didnt appreciate the point the creator was making. The second gathering then again set out to comprehend the significance of what the creator was attempting to state. They went underneath the surface of the content to translate that importance, utilizing a profound approach. They saw the comprehensive view and how the truths and points of inter est put forth the authors defence. Take note of that the expressions profound and surface as utilized here portray methods for taking in a specific assignment, not, the same number of hence utilized the terms, as depicting qualities of students. Kember (1997) portrayed two extensive presentations in teaching: the teacher centred/content and the pupil centred/learning. To a great degree, significant breakdown of these presentations he supports various other makers points of view in association with student-centred learning which includes the data that is controlled by pupils and that the isnt used as a fountain of knowledge and the pupils are encouraged to used guided discovery to learn off each other. Rogers (1983) distinguished the critical part and requirement of pupil learning as; a pioneer or individual who is seen as an expert figure in the circumstance, is adequately secure inside herself (himself) and in her (his) relationship to others that she (he) encounters a fundamental trust in the limit of others to think for themselves, to learn for themselves. In a study by Burnard, 1999, as he disentangles Rogers contemplations regarding pupil-centeredness as pupils may pick what to consider and whats more how and why, that subject may be an interesting one to think about. Reflections on the subject were drawn by Gibbs (1995) when the author portrays pupil-centred developments as those that uneasiness: learner movement rather than lethargy; students understanding on the course outside the establishment and before the course; process and limit, instead of the material; where the crucial choices regarding what they are learning is discussed with who is teaching them. Harding and Crosby (2000) are essentially indistinguishable, depicting learning, based around teacher structures as the highlight of the educator transmitting information that comes from the teacher and what is taught to the pupil. Inquisitively, it is shown that pupil centred learning as centring on what the pupil is learning and what they do to ensure that it is helping them progress in them in contrast to the teachers influence on their education, the main focus of this concentrates on the likelihood of the pupil doing. In research by Gibbs, he goes into more detail to include: how, what and when the pupil is learning, with what result, and how it will be utilised. In an essentially indistinguishable manner in prior arrangement, the student and educator relationship is especially clarified in their book entitled A Guide to Student-Cantered Learning by Brandes and Ginnis (1986), in this book they focus of primary areas of pupil centred learning and that the pupil has full control over what they are learning without teacher input Both student and teacher input shows a strong bond, the teacher becomes facilitator and benefit the individual Learners encounter juncture when training (full of feeling and psychological spaces stream together. The learner sees themselves contrastingly subsequently of the learning knowledge. A few techniques were connected by Chegenizadeh and Nikraz, 2012 research, to ensure that students are occupied with the class exercises. Students received self-instructive booklets. The booklets were planned to bolster sessions for pupils, isolate preparing and singular direction. The technique resembled ONeill McMahon (2005) in which a firm focus of errands and learning could be seen, all things considered finished in the classroom, despite the way that if the pupils supported, these endeavours could be done at home or in various spots and in various conditions. Pupils were supported and encouraged to discover their own needs and primarily put thought in the areas of education that related to them. Curriculum in Physical Education A commonly used educational model is the Sport education Model, in recent research it has shown to aid pupils motivational response whilst undertaking physical activitySport Education, an instructional and educational model intended to create equipped, proficient, and eager sportspeople (Siedentop, 1994; Siedentop, Hastie, van der Mars, 2004), was served as substance for expert advancement in light of its remarkable components that are not the same as normal Russian physical education (Hastie and Sinelnikov, 2006). Sport Education utilises small groups of people throughout the season, and has been depicted as pupil-focused learning (Alexander, Taggert Luckman 1998). Sport Education plans to give a more reliable way to deal with showing sport by divulging in its basic qualities which include seasons, links between teams, competitions which are combined with different practices, attending different events keeping statistics and records on teams (Siedentop et al., 2004) The Sport Education curriculum model was designed to provide positive motivational sport experiences for all students in physical education by simulating key contextual features of authentic sport (Siedentop, 1994). Despite helping students upgrade their diversion capacities, wear preparing urges them to fulfil other amusement related parts, for instance, official, amass guide, authority, also delivering on a recreations organization panel or as a noteworthy part of a commitment bunch. Inside the overall structure of these educational modules the pupils gradually acknowledge more conspicuous responsibility for learning, while teachers surrender ordinary ahead of time direct instructing parts. The teacher, resulting to getting off centre sort out, frequently goes about as facilitator to student social data and capacity learning through an extent of pupil centred learning techniques. In spite of the way that not planned to be prescriptive in its utilization. There are contrasting factors between the Sport Education Model and the traditional teacher preparation of an educational model. Pupils generally work in a comparably small gathering all through the widened length educational modules and are given commitment with respect to demonstrating each extraordinary aptitude inside a pleasant social affair structure. By using this strategy, the teacher can help pupils with their essential initiative for choice of learning, which must be suitable of everyone that is involved in the educational establishment. This is comparable with the significant components of an endeavour included climate (Ames, 1992). Research by Alexander and Luckman, (2001) has shown the rewarding result that education in sport has on pupil avidness for physical preparing. Grant (1992) found that Sport Education advanced collaboration, enhanced associations among partners, and raised energy among various pupils who as of now seemed to despise physical guideline and amusement. It can be suggested that this student avidness could be credited by the way the teacher approaches teaching in physical education and if they are seen not to be enjoying what they are teacher, the pupil is less likely to be engaged. If the students saw the teacher to be less transcendent than in customary curricular attitudes (Carlson and Hastie, 1997) Other research of 344 Australian educators impression of the Sport Education model, Alexander and Luckman (2001) discovered that 83% of the teachers who were involved in the study agreed that the sport Education model shows that the students are more engaged in physical education as opposed to previous approaches. A considerable amount of this investigation on changes in pupil passionate outcomes with this model has been established on instructors long winded records (Alexander and Luckman, 2001; Grant, 1992). Despite when the ampleness of the Sport Education Model was reviewed regarding observations made of pupils. Physical education curriculum research can give a far more practical theory practically identical physical preparing settings. When using these pupils motivated theories it may similarly help to understand why using such models, like the Sport Education model, are useful in inspiring pupils to take part in more physical education Self Determination Theory This theory researched by Deci and Ryan, (2000) is an organismic-logic system of inspiration that views people as effectively looking for ideal difficulties and new encounters to ace and coordinate (Deci and Ryan, 1995). Overlooking being related sufficiently to the educational space for over 10 years (Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier, and Ryan, 1991), the change of work grounded in self-determination theory was moved to happen with respect to class PE. Beginning late, experts have been coordinated to look at the sensibility of the self-affirmation structure to the PE setting. (Standage, Treasure, Duda and Prusak, 2003). Standage and accomplices (2003) surveyed the effect of impression of a root atmosphere (self-organization persevering), utilizing a tool invented by deCharms (1976), on physical education pupil views on self-organization, health, and relatedness. Happens as intended uncovered a starting stage atmosphere to be sensibly farsighted of self-sufficiency fulfilment and hopelessly keen of capacity and relatedness fulfilment. Ryan and Deci (2000) say; in schools, the facilitation of more self-determined learning requires classroom conditions that allow satisfaction of these three basic human needs __ that is that support the innate needs to feel connected, effective, and agentic as one is exposed to new ideas and exercises new skills (p. 65) In the present work, Standage and accomplices looked into the comparisons between different supports, including; wellness, relatedness and autonomy which all play a part in the mental need and satisfaction on the pupil, while it was seen that there are vast others in physical education classes that may require satisfaction, in a recent study, a combined score for relatedness-reinforce, ability support, and self-adequacy reinforce given by the physical education teacher was enlisted. The self-determination theory hypothesis maintains that the satisfaction of every one of the three needs is required for flawless mental working (Deci and Ryan, 2000), general need satisfaction was relied on to be an essential path between the need supporting and the particular motivational controls evaluated in the current overview. In particular, it was expected that there would be a positive bond between need fulfilment and motivational control. Then again, it can be anticipated that need fulfilment would be oppositely identified with outer control and motivation. One guess could have inquired about that digressed to some degree from the hypothetical statutes of this theory. However, previous physical education established research found that impression relatedness and self-regulation (Standage et al., 2003), and point of view of capacity and relatedness to be unequivocally connected with interjected control, it can be estimated that interjected heading would mean that needs satis faction would be achieved. Grounded in self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 1991, Ryan and Deci, 2000a, 2002), physical education has reliably been kept to a singular result (e.g., Standage et al., 2003). Adjusted to the hypothesis created self-governing from whatever other individual insistence hypothesis (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 1991, Ryan and Deci, 2000, 2002) that positive stacked with feeling, insightful, and behavioural records are a section of self-choice motivational headings, as opposed to controlling ones, four result reports were investigated. These were the pupils level of fixation (mental result), relationship of helpful result and negative effect (stacked with feeling result), and inclination to take part in testing assignments (self-distinct behavioural result). Changed as per self-determination hypothesis and past physical education based work (Standage et al., 2003), it can be seen that normal inspiration and perceived control would distinctly foresee fixation, useful result, and incli nation for testing assignments, and would oppositely see negative effects. Strikingly, it can be expected that outer attitude and motivation would emphatically lean towards a negative effect and oppositely predict focus, valuable result, and the inclination for testing attempts. Regarding education, it can be seen that it is evident that this theory shows conclusive results that it useful to the world of education. it can be seen that it is apparent that this hypothesis demonstrates indisputable outcomes that it valuable to the universe of instruction. It can be seen that propelling self-chose motivation in students should be given high need in instructive difficulties, the key segments are what we imply as self-control reinforce and interpersonal commitment. Right when huge grown-ups most extraordinarily, guardians and educators are incorporated with understudies in an independence unfaltering manner, the understudies will likely hold their normal premium (their trademark motivation for learning) and to make independent sorts of self-course through the procedure of compromise.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Characteristics of Modernism in Jewel in the Crown and Heart of Darknes
Characteristics of Modernism in Jewel in the Crown and Heart of Darkness       A Modern novel, Jewel in the Crown, by Paul Scott, depicts the latter stages of imperialism's erosion and explores it through the lives of individuals and their relationships as symbolic of larger societal conflicts and political events. Jewel was written well into the 20th Century and employs thematic concepts and literary forms characteristic of Modernism, as well as being significant in its literary-historical context of the decline of British Imperialism/post- colonialism in India.                  "Some of the major issues to which twentieth century literature responded in ways generally known as 'Modernism' are: a growing awareness of a variety of cultures which had differing but cogent world-views; exploitation of other cultures and races, and a society built on power and greed" (Lye, 1996). The fact that Modern literature explored these issues with more scrutiny, candor, and depth than previous literary eras. "This is the story of rape, of the events that led to it and followed it and of the place in which it happened" (Scott, 1966). The rape is of a young British women in colonial India, but also of the rape of India by Britain, "the affair...ended with the spectacle of two nations in violent opposition, not for the first time nor as yet for the last because they were then still locked in an imperial embrace of such long standing and subtlety it was no longer possible for them to know whether the y hated or loved on another, or what held them together and seemed to have confused the image of their two destinies" (Scott, 1966). The events, interactions, and sentiments of Daphne, the woman in question, and those of the ot... .... For Jewel in the Crown and Heart of Darkness, the questions and criticisms of British Imperialism are brought up metaphorically through their stories they tell, and so interrelated in subject theme, mark a specific period in time tin B ritish History.   Works Cited and Consulted  Agatucci, C. (2001). ENG 103, Survey of British Literature. Central Oregon Community College. Damrosch, D., et al., ed. The Longman Anthology of British Literature: VolB. Compact ed. New York: Longman-Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. Lye,J. (1996). Some Cultural Forces Driving Literary Modernism, (Dept of English, Brock Univ.) 2F55: Modern Fiction. [last accessed: June 2001]. Scott, P. (1966). The Jewel in the Crown. Vol. 1 of the Raj Quartet. Rpt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Destruction with Total Control Essay
In the book Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell shows the thesis to be that totalitarianism is destructive. He shows this by the rather unfortunate setting which has been put this way because the lack of concern. The conflict with the characters shows how a place being led by totalitarianism will unravel even what were at some point the closest relationships. Also with the plot development, eventually the government will destroy everything, including your brain throughout threats and torture. One of the first things it starts off with is the physical being of the city, the setting of the novel. Winston notices how the apartments could use a lot of work and they need constant fixing such as;â€Å"The plastered flakes fell constantly from ceilings and walls, the pipes burst in every hard frost†(22). The government could care less about what the city looks like and peoples wellbeing so most of the average people have to deal with problems like that with their homes. Winston mentions â€Å"On each landing, opposite the lift shaft the poster with the enormous face gazed on the wall†¦Big Brother is watching you, caption beneath it ran†(1-2). This is showing the complete take over by the frightful posters being plastered everywhere making sure everyone knows they aren’t safe. The city was filled with telescreens that would watch their every move, â€Å"It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any place within range of a telescreen†(65). The telescreens made it so that people had no place to think freely because there were practically no places where you weren’t under constant surveillance. Which is how totalitarianism destroys the setting in the novel. The destruction of relationships though conflict plays a big role in the book. Mr. Parsons, Winston’s neighbour, talks about his daughter who â€Å"Heard what [he] was saying and nipped off to the patrols the next day†(245). He was sleep talking about bringing Big Brother down, because his daughter had been taught to be a spy she reported him, not even thinking of the fact that she was getting rid of her own father. After Winston was being tortured because of the thought crime he committed and O’Brian was sent to change his ways â€Å"O’Brian drew back the lever on the dial. The wave of pain receded almost as quickly as it had come†(257). Even though he had been in the brotherhood with him O’Brian still betrayed Winston because he knew if he didn’t he would be the one enduring all of the pain. Winston and Julia were very close, in love even, but when asked after the torture â€Å"he had confessed in the most trivial detail everythin g that happened at their meetings†(286). Instead of being a good person he completely turned against her because of what the government had done to him. Showing how with totalitarianism comes the destruction of relationships. The plot really ties the whole idea that eventually after destroying everything else the totalitarian government will destroy the mind. They twist words to make it seems as though they are always right and even if it’s not true make it seem like you’re in the wrong. â€Å"Shall I tell you why we have brought you here? To cure you! Make you sain!†(265). Even though Winston had the right idea to betray Big Brother O’Brian makes him think he’s not mentally well for doing so. The government made sure that the mental change would be permanent â€Å"What happens to you here is forever†¦We shall crush you down to the point from which there is no coming back†(266). Giving you no way to change your mind after if you did not agree, making it as though they had complete control over you. Finally after Winston had been though all of the physical and mental tortures, what he said he would rather die than do, he did. He finally said â€Å"he had won the battle over himself. He loved Big Brother†(311). This proved they had completely destroyed and remade his brain, breaking down all of his morals and changing his outlooks on life. All proving how the destruction of your brain is inevitable with a totalitarian society. Throughout exploring some key traits of the book such as the dreadful setting which could only have put people in a bad mood. All of the conflicts with the characters putting them through so much torture and mind control to teach them to betray practically anyone other than Big Brother. As well as the plot of the destruction of the mind and how to accomplish that, Orwell proves his thesis to be that totalitarianism is destructive. From the outside in eventually you will be destroyed.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essays
Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essays Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essay Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essay Voorwoord Als groep zijn we nu Sinds begin september bezig met het WMO undertaking. Het deelproject â€Å"De Doelgroep†neemt nu de laatste 3 weken in beslag. De projectgroep bestaat uit Gertjan Olderburger, Sieger Oost, Wilma Bos, Rene Stel, Richard Mugischa, Lian Reinds, Nienke Geertsma A ; Kaspar Gerritsen. Het resonance wordt door alle acht leden gezamenlijk gemaakt. Iedere woensdag houden we vergadering, waarna ieder projectlid zelfstandig een taak uitwerkt. Dit wordt dan in de volgende vergadering besproken en geevalueerd. Het uiteindelijke adviesrapport zal geschreven worden voor de gemeente Groningen. De opdrachtgever is de Hanzehogeschool Groningen. De Hanzehogeschool willen we hier bedanken voor de kans die ze ons bieden om ons door dot resonance Te maken, verder Te ontwikkelen. In heated bijzonder een dankwoord voor Thijs Leuveld, die ons ALSs tutor begeleidt. Verder willen we u ALSs lezer veel plezier wensen bij het lezen new wave het resonance. De Doelgroep Inleiding In heated kader new wave de Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning is ons door de Hanzehogeschool Groningen gevraagd een adviesnota Te schrijven voor een doelgroep dice Te maken heeft met de WMO. Wij ALSs projectgroep hebben gekozen voor de doelgroep dak- nut thuislozen. De bedoeling new wave deze adviesnota is om eventuele knelpunten voor de dak- en thuislozen Te achterhalen en een advies uit te brengen naar de gemeente Groningen voor verbetering new wave de positie van de dak- en thuislozen. Belangrijk daarin is om de verbeteringen te realiseren binnen heated kader new wave de WMO. De dak- nut thuisloze is dus het uitgaanspunt en niet de bestaande hulpverlenende instanties. In deze adviesnota zullen we als eerste de doelgroep belichten, waarbij we zoveel mogelijk gegevens verzamelen over de dak- en thuislozen in de stad Groningen. Daarna gaan we beschrijven welke problemen er zijn en waar de dak- en thuislozen behoefte aan hebben. Tot slot leggen we uit wat de WMO kan betekenen voor de dak- en thuislozen en wat op dot minute de relevante spelers zijn voor de dak- en thuislozen. De informatie hebben we verkregen bij instanties die werken met dak- nut thuislozen, zoals de politie, stichting Huis, de Open Hof en de gemeente Groningen. De adviesnota is bedoeld voor een ieder dice Te maken heeft met dak- nut thuislozen in de stad Groningen, dot kan beroepsmatig zijn of omdat work forces betrokken is met de dak- en thuislozen. Dak- nut thuislozen Definities Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen de verschillende soorten overlast, namelijk: criminaliteit, verstoringen new wave de openbare orde en audiovisuele overlast. Hieronder volgt een uitleg new wave de verschillende vormen van overlast en worden ook andere begrippen uitgelegd, zoals het verschil tussen een dak- nut thuisloze. Criminaliteit Deze vorm is expliciet vastgelegd en strafbaar gesteld in het Wetboek new wave Strafrecht. Definitie new wave criminaliteit: Alle gedragingen dice bij de wet strafbaar zijn gesteld ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, 2009 ) Verstoringen new wave de openbare orde Hierbij gaat het vooral om het in bezit nemen van de openbare ruimte, bijvoorbeeld door samenscholingen new wave drugsverslaafden op straat, plein, portiek of in een plantsoen. Deze vorm is minder objectief, maar juridisch enigszins omschreven in de zogenoemde Algemene Plaatselijke Verordeningen ( APV s ) . Deze gedragingen zijn onder meer: op straat urineren ( wildplassen ) gebruik new wave intoxicant op straat, illegaal tippelen, schreeuwen, tieren of op andere wijze hinderlijke geluiden verwekken of zonder redelijk doel ophouden in portiek, poort of tegen een raamkozijn of drempel zitten of liggen. Audiovisuele overlast Hierbij moet worden gedacht aan thorn, hinderlijk en onaangenaam gedrag, zonder digital audiotape Er sprake is van criminaliteit of ordeverstorende gedragingen zoals omschreven in de APV ( Intraval, 2009 ) . Daklozen Dit zijn mensen zonder een Eigen huge onderkomen. In deze groep vallen drie groepen Te onderscheiden: mensen dice gebruik maken new wave de langdurende opvang, mensen die gebruikmaken new wave de kortdurende opvang en buitenslapers. ( Stichting new wave de straat, 2006 ) Vanzelfsprekend zijn deze scheidslijnen niet absoluut. Kort- nut langdurende opvang Met kortdurende opvang wordt de ( nacht ) opvang bedoeld waar een dakloze zich per nacht moet laten inschrijven. Opvang die voor een langere periode zekerheid biedt wordt langdurende opvang genoemd. Buitenslapers Dit zijn daklozen dice om verschillende redenen geen gebruik maken new wave enige vorm new wave opvang. Deze redenen kunnen bestaan uit het niet hebben new wave financiele middelen voor de opvang en het weigeren van korte opvang. Thuislozen Is de term dice gebruikt wordt voor mensen zonder of met een zeer geringe maatschappelijke positie. Er kan gedacht worden aan sociaal geA?soleerde werklozen, geraniumdrinkers maar ook mensen dice gebruik maken new wave woonbegeleiding en preparation. Dak- nut thuislozen Dit is de groep mensen die ontstaat wanneer je de daklozen en thuislozen rain trees voegt. Multigebruikers Dit zijn mensen binnen de groep dak- thuislozen dice verschillende soorten drugs en intoxicant tot zich nemen. Verwervingsactiviteiten Dit zijn de bezigheden van dak- thuisloze drugs en intoxicant gebruikers om geld bij elkaar Te sprokkelen voor Hun gebruik drugs en intoxicant gebruik zie verder het hoofdstuk probleem, alinea criminele activiteiten voor een aantal voorbeelden over verschillende wervingsactiviteiten. Gegevens De groep dak- en thuislozen bestaat in Groningen uit zon 800 mensen ( Stichting new wave de straat 2006 ) . De groep overlast veroorzakers in heated A-Kwartier bestaat uit zon 90 personen. Als er cijfers geA?nterpreteerd worden met betrekking tot overlast dient work forces zich new wave het volgende bewust Te zijn. Een melding gaat meestal niet over een incident maar over een patroon new wave overlast. Dus ook ALSs het gemeten meldingen Klein is, kan de daadwerkelijke overlast groot zijn. Aantal meldingen bij het Meldpunt Overlast en Zorg in 2008: 2905. Uit het centrum komen de meeste meldingen binnen new wave overlast. Het aantal meldingen per 100 inwoners ligt tot wel drie keer hoger ALSs andere delen new wave de stad ( 5 meldingen per 100 inwoners in 2008 ) . Met 27,1 % new wave het totaal is drugsoverlast de voornaamste soort overlast van het centrum. ( Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen, 2009 ) Demografische ontwikkelingen new wave de dak- en thuislozen in de stad Groningen. De demografische ontwikkeling new wave de dak- en thuislozen in de gemeente Groningen wordt Al jaren bijgehouden door een intensief contact Te onderhouden met de opvangvoorzieningen en met de zorginstellingen. Het aantal dak- nut thuislozen is al jaren zon 800 personen in de gemeente Groningen. In de onderstaande tabel is te zien digital audiotape Er stijging is in 2006 new wave het aantal buiten slapers in de stad Groningen naar een totaal new wave 42. Dit is veroorzaakt doordat de OGGz en VNN ( Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ) een aantal onbekende dak- en thuislozen beter in kaart hebben gebracht. Ook kunnen we uit de tabel opmaken digital audiotape Er een stijging is van heated aantal niet-Nederlandse buiten slapers. Daarnaast is er een toename te zien new wave het aantal vrouwen. De leeftijd van de groep daklozen wordt ook iets ouder. In 2005 is er reeds een program door de gemeente Groningen gemaakt. Dit is heated program Uit de Goot. Echter volgens curate Gerhard ter Beek new wave pastoraal-diaconaal centrum de Open Hof komt new wave dot program erg weinig terecht. Volgens ter Beek heeft de gemeente naarmate de tijd verstreek zich steeds meer teruggetrokken, en minder tijd, geld en personeel in het undertaking gestoken. Ook is heated voor centrum de Open Hof erg moeizaam om hierover in gesprek Tes komen met de gemeente Groningen. Volgens het in 2005 opgestelde actieplan Uit de Goot zou Er in het jaar 2006 niemand meer buiten slapen, dot program is vervolgens uitgesteld naar het jaar 2008. Echter uit de bovenstaande Tabel 3 blijkt digital audiotape ook in 2008 Er nog steeds dak- en thuislozen zijn dice geen plek hebben om binnen Te slapen. Verder valt Er over de twisten of de doelgroep zelf, de dak- en thuislozen wel een plek om Te slapen willen hebben, of digital audiotape ze niet liever buiten zijn. Dit is te verklaren door heated feit digital audiotape in 2006 de openingstijden van de Open Hof zijn uitgebreid, terwijl het aantal bezoekers is afgenomen. Het aantal allochtone bezoekers is genuine wel gestegen. In 2008 zijn de openingstijden weer enigszins afgenomen. Bron: Site voor en new wave dakloze mensen in de stad Groningen. Bezoekersbeleid Open Hof 2008 Gezien De bezoekcijfers van het jaar 2008 is er redelijke stabiliteit ten opzichte new wave de laatste jaren. Het aantal bezoeken ligt rond de 20.000. In 2008 is heated 19.583, in 2007 was het 20.040 dus het is enigszins verminderd. De reden voor deze vermindering is dat de Open Hof in 2008 iets minder unfastened is dan in 2007, maar relatief gezien zijn er per uur meer bezoekers dan de voorgaande jaren. December was ook in 2008 de drukste maand, vanwege de weersomstandigheden. Maandag is de drukste dekagram, zaterdag de rustigste. Bron: Jaarverslag 2008. Gezien de vele plannen van de gemeente Groningen is er toch Te zien uit meerdere bronnen digital audiotape het aantal dak- nut thuislozen digital audiotape gebruik maakt new wave opvang hetzelfde blijft, waardoor Er ook valt te concluderen digital audiotape Er een groep is die geen gebruik wil/kan maken van de geboden voorzieningen. De reden hiervoor kan zijn digital audiotape Er een groep daklozen is die geen onderdak wil, maar dice dot leven ambieren. Hierdoor zal er altijd een gedeelte blijven digital audiotapes buiten zal slapen. Er zijn veel verschillende groepen dhak en thuislozen is te lezen op Onder de dak- en thuislozen bevinden zich o.a. drugsverslaafden, prostituees, illegalen, zwervers en mensen dice een psychisch probleem hebben. De leeftijd is enorm frogmans, new wave tieners tot bejaarden.. Het is genuine wel opvallend digital audiotape het overgrote deel new wave de dak- en thuislozen new wave het mannelijke geslacht zijn. Slechts 15 % new wave de dak- en thuislozen zijn vrouw, waarvan de meesten werkzaam zijn ALSs prostituee, vaak in combinatie met een drugsverslaving. Verder valt op digital audiotape Er een steeds meer allochtone dak- nut thuislozen komen. Door het feit dat ze de taal niet spreken, en zich niet goed hebben kunnen aanpassen in Nederland is heated mogelijk digital audiotape ze op straat komen te staan, waarna ze zich in heated zwervers circuit vestigen. Ook komt heated door het feit digital audiotape er Allochtone mensen zijn die terug moeten naar Hun Eigen land, waarna ze zich ALSs illegaal op straat gaan vestigen. Probleem Na een gesprek Te hebben gehad met dhr. B. Aanen van de politie Groningen ( coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier ) , zijn we tot de conclusie gekomen dat er behoefte is voor de dak- en thuislozen om activiteiten Te doen, waarbij ze iets voor de maatschappij kunnen betekenen. Deze activiteiten zouden onder andere kunnen bestaan uit het klusjes doen voor mensen dice gebruik willen maken new wave deze hulp. Vanuit de gemeente Groningen is er behoefte om de overlast dice deze doelgroep in de omgeving veroorzaakt Te beperken. Het Groningse college new wave B A ; W wil heated aantal dak- en thuislozen de komende jaren op achthonderd houden. Dat is heated niveau van 2006. Een stevige opgave, stelt heated college new wave B A ; W, gezien de verwachte toename van dak- nut thuislozen.B A ; W gaan daarom excess investeren in preventie nut nazorg. Het college wil dak- nut thuislozen zo snel mogelijk weer een thuis bieden, zo nodig met een persoonlijk program. ( Gemeente Groningen ) . In heated gesprek met dhr. B. Aanen van de politie Groningen ( coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier ) , is naar voren gekomen dat de gemeente Groningen een aanhoudende stroom klachten binnen krijgt, met betrekking tot de overlast die dak- nut thuislozen veroorzaken. De gemeente Groningen wil digital audiotape de overlast die veroorzaakt wordt door de dak- en thuislozen wordt terug gedrongen, hierdoor hebben de mensen een rustiger leven en hebben ze een veiliger gevoel. Oorzaak van de deze overlast zou kunnen liggen in het feit digital audiotape deze mensen geen reguliere tijdsinvulling hebben en merendeels buiten de maatschappij staan. De overlast van Dak- en thuisloze drugsgebruikers is verschillend. Overdag is heated relatief rustig en zo is er s nachts het meeste overlast in heated A-kwartier. De reden hiervoor is dat dot tijdstip en de plaats de beschutting geeft voor de criminele activiteiten. Het is donker, er zijn andere mensen op straat waardoor de groep minder opvalt en Hun activiteiten zonder veel commotie kunnen voortzetten. De overlast is ALSs volgt ingedeeld in 3 groepen: Audiovisueel De overlast dice de groep veroorzaakt bestaat voornamelijk uit lawaai. Dit wordt om verschillende redenen veroorzaakt. Zo zijn Er groeperingen dice elkaar new wave een ruime afstand begroeten, zoals de Antillianen. Deze groeperingen hebben de neiging elkaar new wave honderden metres afstand te begroeten. Ook rijden traders met Hun luidruchtige car s de hele nacht af en aan waarbij zij met hun portierramen geopend hun zeer luid staande muziek de openbare ruimte in slingeren. Verder produceren ruzies die ontstaan tijdens en/of rondom criminaliteit en drugs gebruik veel geluidsoverlast. Openbare orde verstoringen De groep dak- en thuislozen overtreed zonder uitzondering de Algemene Plaatselijke Verordeningen ( APV ) van de gemeente Groningen. Veel voorkomend overtredingen zijn: ( overmatig ) alcoholgebruik, actief bedelen, heated zonder reden ophouden in een portiek, wildplassen, heated dragen new wave messen en andere verboden voorwerpen, zoals wapens en dieven gereedschap. Criminele activiteiten Vermogensdelicten komen veel voor. De meest voorkomende delicten zijn: oplichting, smokkel, zakkenrollen en heling. De meeste new wave deze delicten zijn in heated kader new wave verwervingsactiviteiten. Geweldsdelicten worden ook gepleegd, maar minder. Hierbij gaat het om geweld naar elkaar, ( winkel ) diefstal, maar ook om bijvoorbeeld twee overvallen met een Maines dit jaar. Behoeften en voorzieningen Welzijnsbehoeften Welke welzijnsbehoeften heeft een dak- nut thuisloze? Dat is de vraag dice in dot deel new wave â€Å"De doelgroep†centraal staat. Om te kunnen kijken naar de ( welzijns ) behoeften van de dak- nut thuisloze, kijkt de projectgroep eerst naar die van de mens in het algemeen, om dot vervolgens te vertalen naar de dak- en thuisloze. Abraham H. Maslow ( Brooklyn, 1 April 1908 Californie , 8 juni 1970 ) een klinische psycholoog zette deze basisbehoeften in een bepaalde volgorde en creeerde hiermee de piramide van Maslow. Zijn idee achter de piramide is, dat je eerst voldoet aan de basisbehoefte voordat je hoger op de piramide kan komen. Maslow stelde dat moose levend wezen dezelfde behoeftes nastreeft. Wanneer aan een behoefte voldaan is schuift het individu op naar een hogere plaats op de piramide. Wanneer een trap ontbreekt of wegvalt, zal het individu opnieuw aan deze behoefte moeten voldoen alvorens terug te kunnen stijgen. Het is niet mogelijk om bepaalde niveaus over te slaan. ( Over Abraham H. Maslow, 2009 ) Uit onderzoek door heated Trimbos-instituut in 2005, wat gehouden is onder 110 dak- nut thuislozen in Leiden, zeggen dak- nut thuisloze mensen zelf, digital audiotape zij behoefte hebben aan hulp bij huisvesting ( 65 % ) , financien ( 47 % ) , gebitsproblemen ( 36 % ) , heated vinden new wave werk ( 33 % ) en lichamelijke gezondheid ( 23 % ) . ( RIVM, 2009 ) Misschien kunnen we met een kleine steekproef nog onderzoeken of deze cijfers nog relevant zijn voor de dak- en thuislozen in Groningen. De lichamelijke behoeften volgens de piramide van Maslow zijn: voedsel, drinken nut ontlasting. Maslow verstaat onder lichamelijke behoeften ook seks, evenals andere lichamelijke zaken zoals sport en comfort. Dak- en thuislozen hebben behoefte aan gezondheidszorg, zowel psychische ALSs lichamelijke zorg. Volgens Stichting Ontmoeting heeft 80 % new wave de dak- en thuislozen in Nederland, psychische problemen waarvan een behoorlijke deel een persoonlijkheidsstoornis ( zoals bijvoorbeeld schizofrenie ) . Daarnaast is er een groep new wave ongeveer 80 % dice een verslavingsachtergrond ( intoxicant, drugs of gokken ) heeft. De mens heeft volgens Maslow behoefte aan een zekere mate new wave veiligheid en zekerheid, het individu gaat beveiliging zoeken in een georganiseerde kleine of grote groep. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld de buurt, heated gezin of het bedrijf zijn. Typische voorbeelden zijn: huisvesting, werk en relaties. Dak- en thuislozen hebben een donging gemeen: ze lijden aan thuisloosheid. Dak- en thuislozen zijn op straat terechtgekomen door uiteenlopende redenen. Deze redenen kunnen zijn: werkloosheid, geen sociale uitkering hebben, huisuitzettingen door wooncorporaties, alcoholisme, illegalen zonder verblijfsvergunning, verslaving aan drugs of een psychische ziekte. Dak- en thuislozen hebben in eerste instantie onderdak nodig waar ze onder andere kunnen douchen en slapen. In de gemeente Groningen zijn er diverse voorzieningen voor de opvang van dak-en thuislozen, deze voorzieningen worden vermeld in ‘De Sociale Kaart . Naast wonen hebben dak- nut thuislozen behoefte aan hulp bij Hun financien, blijkt uit het onderzoek new wave het Trimbos-instituut. Hierbij kan heated gaan om schuldsanering, hulp bij het beheren new wave Hun financien of hulp bij het aanvragen new wave een bijstand uitkering. Door middel van de financiele hulp kunnen dak- en thuislozen zichzelf voorzien van eten, drinken, kleding en medicatie. Dak- nut thuislozen hebben ook activiteiten nodig, in de vorm new wave scholing, werk of dagbesteding, anders gaan ze weer de straat op. Traumatische ervaringen kunnen dusdanige invloed hebben digital audiotape iemand in het daklozencircuit terecht is gekomen. Om deze ervaringen Te kunnen verwerken is een veilige omgeving nodig. Het vertrouwen in de maatschappij moet weer worden hersteld. ( Stichting Ontmoeting, 2009 ) . Ieder individu heeft volgens Maslow behoefte aan sociaal contact, behoefte aan vriendschap, liefde en positief sociale relaties. Dak- en thuislozen hebben niet of in mindere mate het vermogen om contact Te leggen met andere mensen, ze hebben het vertrouwen verloren in de maatschappij. Uit onderzoek new wave het Trimbos-instituut blijkt digital audiotape dak- en thuislozen aangeven geen behoefte Te hebben aan een sociaal netwerk. Dit zou kunnen komen doordat het hoger op de piramide van Maslow staat. Door allerlei oorzaken hebben dak- nut thuislozen geen vertrouwen meer in de medemens. Ieder mens heeft een veilige omgeving nodig om zich Te kunnen ontwikkelen tot een sociaal, zelfstandig functionerend persoon. Dak- en thuislozen hebben contact met de omgeving ( familie, vrienden, , ) , de instanties ( hulpverlening, sociale dienst, ) , en de lotgenoten die Als in de maatschappij teruggekeerd zijn, nodig. Uit de praktijk blijkt digital audiotape dak- en thuislozen, naast professionele hulpverlening, behoefte hebben aan iemand dice een contact aangaat met ALSs doel er Te zijn voor de ander, een maatje. Dit schept zelfvertrouwen en stimuleert tot heated nemen van Eigen initiatieven. Men krijgt het gevoel weer mee Te tellen in de maatschappij. ( Provincie Utrecht, 2009 ) Ieder individu heeft behoefte aan waardering en erkenning, die de competentie en het aanzien in groepsverband verhogen ; het belang hechten aan de position in sociaal verband. Ook is er behoefte aan zelfontplooiing of zelfactualisatie, de behoefte om zijn persoonlijkheid en zijn mentale groeimogelijkheden Te ontwikkelen. Voordat een dak- nut thuisloze, dus kan werken aan zijn zelfontplooiing is heated dus new wave belang digital audiotape alle onderliggende stappen new wave de piramide doorlopen zijn en daar peg steeds aan voldaan wordt. Uit gespreken gevoerd door de Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland met clienten en bezoekers new wave dekagram activiteiten centra, beschermde en begeleide woonvormen, verslavingszorg en de dak- en thuislozenopvang, blijkt digital audiotape ze zich het meest geholpen voelen met goede ondersteuning om uit het leven ALSs dak- of thuisloze Te komen. Het weer wennen aan verantwoordelijkheden, verplichtingen en verwachtingen is een noodzakelijk voortraject, alvorens de draad van gewoon leven en werken weer op Te pakken. Hierbij wordt bedoeld, het meer stimuleren tot deelname aan ( sociale ) activeringstrajecten. Mensen komen in een ander ritme en kunnen wennen aan een regelmatig bestaan. Nuttig zijn vergroot ook het zelfvertrouwen. ( Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland, 2009 ) Wat is nodig om in die behoefte Te voorzien Het doel new wave het schrijven van de adviesnota, is heated vergroten en ondersteunen van de zelfredzaamheid, de maatschappelijke participatie en het zelfstandig functioneren van de doelgroep, dak- nut thuislozen. Om aan deze behoefte voor deze voorziening te voldoen, zijn samenwerkingsverbanden noodzakelijk, samenwerkingsverbanden tussen bijvoorbeeld: gemeente, politie, WMO Groningen, inloophuizen, buurthuizen en instellingen voor intoxicant en drugsverslaving. Een vertrouwensrelatie tussen bestuurders, professionals, bewoners en dak- nut thuislozen is een harde voorwaarde voor het slagen new wave een undertaking. ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten en anderen, 2005 ) . Indien er een bewonersraad is van de instelling van dak- nut thuislozen, is daar dan een ook een vertegenwoordiger new wave in de officiele bewonersraad van de wijk. Het inventariseren new wave contactpersonen zal dus belangrijk zijn om ook informatie uit de doelgroep zelf te krijgen. Indien alle betrokken partijen gebruikmaken new wave het 8-fasenmodel new wave het NIZW, kunnen instellingen de individuele begeleiding in de maatschappelijke opvang ( beter ) organiseren. Het is een methode om gestructureerd nut in samenwerking met clienten Te werken aan haalbare begeleidingsdoelen. Het geeft medewerkers en clienten een houvast om gericht activiteiten te doen. Daarbij kan heated gaan om het werken aan meer zelfredzaamheid new wave de client, maar ook om het behouden new wave de hoogst haalbare vorm new wave prettig en bescherm wonen ( 8-fasenmodel NIZW ) . Er dient dus intensieve communicatie Te zijn tussen de diverse instanties en de vertegenwoordigers van de doelgroep. Ook het potentieel van de doelgroep zelf moeten we inzetten om het undertaking hetgeen inhoud het vergroten en ondersteunen van de zelfredzaamheid, de maatschappelijke participatie en het zelfstandig functioneren van de doelgroep, dak- en thuislozen Te doen slagen. Uit Plan van aanpak Regionaal Kompas Groningen blijkt digital audiotape Er een goede samenwerking is tussen de verschillende voorzieningen. Zelfs zodanig digital audiotape ze Er in slagen om tachtig procent new wave de mensen die dak- of thuisloos raken weer een thuis geboden kan worden. Al dan niet met begeleiding. OGGz, openbare geestelijke gezondheidszorg Groningen, is een samenwerkingsverband tussen geestelijke gezondheidszorg ( Lentis ) , maatschappelijke en juridische hulpverlening ( MJD ) , GGD Groningen en verslavingszorg noord Nederland ( VNN ) . Dit samenwerkingsverband heeft zich ALSs doel gesteld om langdurig zorgafhankelijke mensen met een vaak meervoudige problematiek Te helpen, zoals de groep dak- nut thuislozen. De OGGz is destijds overgeheveld new wave de AWBZ naar de WMO. Zij hebben een beleidsnota op gesteld â€Å"Uit de goot†. Hieruit blijkt digital audiotape Er reeds veel werk is verzet en digital audiotape de problematiek rond de dak- en thuislozen een complex erkend gegeven is. De samenwerking binnen de OGGz heeft tot mooie resultaten geleid. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn digital audiotape de opvang voorzieningen voor dak- nut thuislozen beter op elkaar aansluiten. Ook de dagbesteding is een goed georganiseerd geheel. Het mooiste voorbeeld is wellicht het feit digital a udiotape een aantal overlegvormen rondom overlast zijn opgeheven, simpelweg vanwege het feit digital audiotape ze een gebrek hadden aan docket punten. De Groninger aanpak trekt landelijke belangstelling. Delegaties van heated Ministerie new wave Justitie nut andere delegaties bezoeken heated Groningerland om met eigen ogen de werkwijze van de OGGz Te bestuderen. Signalering is een belangrijk gegeven in een eerste kennismaking met een eventueel toekomstige dak- of thuisloze. Huiseigenaren, hulpverleners en politie spelen daarin een belangrijke rol. Een huisbaas kan aangeven, o.a. bij de OGGz, wanneer uitzetting, vanwege wanbetaling, dreigt. Is uitzetting een feit, dan is er voor sommigen de mogelijkheid tot herhuisvesting bij â€Å"Woonkans†. Woonkans betreft een samenlevingsverband tussen de diverse wooncorporaties, Maatschappelijk en juridische dienstverlening ( MJD ) en Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ( VNN ) . Een medewerker new wave Woonkans legt contact tussen de â€Å"uitgezette†persoon nut een hulpverlener new wave en new wave bovengenoemde instanties. Er zijn dus wel voorwaarden verbonden aan deze vorm new wave herhuisvesting. Ook de MJD heeft een signalerende functie en kan door de samenwerking binnen de OGGz een preventieve taak uitvoeren. Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland draagt zorg voor de begeleiding en behandeling new wave de verslaafde dak- nut thuisloze. Zij doet dot via de opvanginstellingen. VNN werkt ALSs onderdeel van de OGGz nauw rain trees met de psychiatrische zorginstelling Lentis. Lentis draagt zorg voor de psychiatrische hulpverlening aan dak- nut thuislozen in de opvangvoorzieningen. Daarnaast heeft zij een adviserende taak 10 behoeve new wave de medewerkers in de opvangvoorzieningen. Uit bovenstaande kunnen we concluderen dat Er een nauwe samenwerking is tussen de verschillende subjects. Er zijn verschillende samenwerkingsverbanden met elkaar aangegaan en deze overlegstructuren hebben onderling ook de nodige contact momenten. Om tot een goed eindproduct Te komen moeten we in contact komen met de probleem veroorzakende dak- en thuislozen en de buurtbewoners die de dak- en thuislozen ALSs een probleem ervaren. De projectgroep zal een instelling moeten vinden dice een vinger aan de pols houdt voor wat betreft het verdere verloop new wave het undertaking en eventueel voorkomende problemen, waarbij de hulpverlening gericht moet zijn op een persoonlijke aanpak van dak- nut thuislozen, om hem of haar terug Te integreren in de maatschappij. Een wisselwerking tussen de betrokken instelling, dak- en thuislozen en buurtbewoners zou een mooi resultaat new wave het undertaking zijn. Uit tabel 1 valt Te concluderen digital audiotape de kortdurende opvang de meeste populariteit geniet onder de dak- en thuislozen. Het totaal aan dak- nut thuislozen wat gebruikt maakt new wave de maatschappelijke opvang is genuine niet zoals vermeld in de tabel 790, maar slechts 572. Met 800 dak- nut thuislozen is heated dus de vraag of er geconcludeerd kan worden digital audiotape Er een tekort aan maatschappelijke opvang plaatsen is. Een andere vraag die opkomt, of de opvang mogelijkheden bij alle dak- en thuislozen bekent is en/of zij daar wel of niet bewust gebruik new wave maken. Tabel 2 laat ons zien dat Er een afname is van heated aantal meldingen new wave overlast, met uitzondering new wave de meldingen aangaande dierenoverlast en verwaarlozing. De rol van de WMO en de relevante spelers Rol new wave de WMO en de relevante spelers WMO is de Wet Maatschappelijk Ondersteuning. WMO draagt ertoe bij digital audiotape alle Burgers in de samenleving kunnen participeren, iedereen moet in de samenleving mee kunnen doen. Dat geldt voor jonge en gezonde mensen maar ook voor Burgers met disability of beperking. WMO zorgt ervoor digital audiotape de gemeente Burgers helpt ALSs ze hulp nodig hebben. Hierbij kan heated gaan om hindernissen in en om het huis, het plaatselijk vervoer en het ontmoeten new wave andere personen. Het gaat erom digital audiotape Burgers mee kunnen doen in samenleving, ALSs het niet lukt zonder hulp, dan mogen Burgers de gemeente vragen om biddy Te helpen. Voor de doelgroep dak- nut thuislozen, is er sprake new wave het regelen van maatschappelijk opvang en daklozen opvang. Dak- en thuislozen moeten zelfstandig kunnen wonen in Hun Eigen huis, wijk of buurt. De ondersteuning verschilt new wave persoon tot persoon. De relevante spelers zijn ALSs vangnet voor daken thuislozen. Ze bieden een onderdak voor bepaalde periode, begeleiding en dagbesteding. Uiteindelijk is heated doel om ze Te laten re-integreren in de maatschappij. Wie zijn de relevante spelers? Er zijn diverse instanties betrokken bij de opvang en/of ondersteuning van dak- nut thuislozen in de gemeente Groningen. Daar naast is er nog de politie die vooral de problematiek signaleert en optreed. Tussen de diverse instanties zijn overleg- nut samenwerkingsverbanden. Instanties die zich bezig houden met de opvang zijn: Woonvoorziening Hiddemaheerd LIMOR ( Landelijk Instelling voor Maatschappelijk Ondersteuning en Rehabilitatie ) Stichting Huis Thuiszorg Groningen Leger diethylstilbestrols Heils Twaalfde huis Instanties die zich bezig houden met fysieke en persoonlijke verzorging en hulpverlening zijn Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ( VNN ) Salon de Marne De Wasplaats Sociale dienst De gemeente heeft in de WMO een centrale rol want de gemeente kent haar inwoners en is in staat om in te spelen op de lokale behoeften. Door de invoering new wave de WMO moet de gemeente Groningen met heated oog ook op de zelfredzaamheid, maatschappelijke participatie en leefbaarheid van de woonomgeving het volgende regelen: regie voeren rond wonen, zorg en welzijn. bepalen wat nodig is en anderen uitnodigen de openbare aanbesteding aan Te bieden. de financiering regelen in combinatie met eigen bijdrage. het informeren, adviseren en ondersteunen ALSs taak krijgen. het verslavingsbeleid voeren. WMO vormt een impuls voor bovengenoemde welzijnsorganisaties ( instellingen voor dak- en thuislozen ) om een belangrijke speler Te worden in heated veld new wave lokale aanbieders van maatschappelijk ondersteuning. Het is aan de instellingen om de kansen te pakken en tijdig in te spelen op mogelijke bedreigingen: breng formele en informele hulpbronnen bij elkaar, organiseer contactmogelijkheden, lever een bijdrage aan een leefbare en veilige woonomgeving, lever persoonlijke diensten en combineer deze met een signalerende en ondersteunende rol ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. , 2005 ) Een voorbeeld hier is van: Stichting Huis voor dak- thuislozen in Groningen biedt sinds 1981 onderdak aan mensen die tijdelijk of lasting dak- thuisloos zijn. Zij doet dot door zelf of rain trees met anderen opvang- nut woonvoorzieningen Te exploiteren. Tevens wordt in toenemende mate ambulante woonbegeleiding aangeboden. Stichting Huis richt zich op een zeer brede doelgroep. Door een frogmans, laagdrempelig dienstverleningsaanbod Te creeren probeert zij eenieder een passend aanbod Te doen. De opvangvoorzieningen zijn zo georganiseerd, digital audiotape verschillende probleemgroepen opgevangen ( kunnen ) worden. Daarbij wordt niet de problematiek van de client centraal gesteld, maar zijn de nog aanwezige mogelijkheden het uitgangspunt. Acceptatie van de client staat voorop. Tevens wordt aandacht geschonken aan preventie en signalering. Door te voorzien in de onderdak- , voedings- nut verzorgingsbehoefte van rond de 150 dak- thuislozen wordt de overlast op straat voorkomen. Door ook de begeleiding naar hulpverlening ter manus Te nemen, wordt de kennis van de stichting doorgegeven aan anderen. Stichting Huis werkt nauw rain trees met gespecialiseerde hulpverleningsinstellingen en SoZaWe. Tevens bestaat Er samenhang met diverse vormen van dagbesteding nut dagopvang. Met inachtneming new wave elkaars invalshoeken en specialismen, worden op maatwerkbasis individuele thuis- nut daklozen new wave een passend aanbod voorzien. De doelstelling new wave de maatschappelijke opvang is: iedereen zijn of haar plek Te geven die hij of zij verdient en aankan. Daarbij wordt de zelfstandigheid en verantwoordelijkheid van de dak- thuisloze gestimuleerd. De draagkracht van de client bepaalt de grenzen daarvan. Zo kan voor de een gelden, digital audiotape geprobeerd wordt hem of haar weer zo snel mogelijk zelfstandig Te laten functioneren, terwijl voor de ander een woonmilieu met een permanente bescherming gezocht of georganiseerd moet worden. ( Stichtinghuis, 2009 ) De hulpverleners die ook bovengenoemde zijn hebben in de WMO een taak om de dak- en thuislozen Te stimuleren om hun kennis, vaardigheden, capaciteiten, oplossingsstrategieen, sociale contacten en andere hulpbronnen Te ontwikkelen en Hun sterkte kanten in Te zetten voor het oplossen van de eigen problemen en eventueel ook dice new wave anderen, hier is sprake new wave lotgenoten. ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. 2005 ) Literatuurlijst Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen ( 2009 ) Jaarverslag 2007 en 2008 Meldpunt Overlast A ; Zorg, Groningen: Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen. Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen ( 2007 ) Plek om te slapen Dak- nut thuislozenmonitor, Groningen: Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen. Gemeente Groningen ( 2008 ) Plan van aanpak regionaal Kompas gemeente Groningen 2008-2012 ambtelijk construct 7. Groningen: Gemeente Groningen. Gemeente Groningen ( 2009 ) Nota Onder Dak, Groningen: Gemeente Groningen. Gesprek met B. Aanen ( 2009 ) Politie Groningen coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier. Hanzehogeschool ( 2009 ) Client in perspectief, Groningen: Hanzehogeschool. hypertext transfer protocol: //, 14-09-2009. hypertext transfer protocol: //, 14-09-2009. Hulsbosch L, Nicholas S, Wolf J. ( 2005 ) Dakloos in Leiden. Onderzoek naar omvang en kenmerken van de daklozenpopulatie, Utrecht: Trimbos-instituut. Intraval ( 2009 ) Drugs gerelateerde overlast, Groningen: Intraval. Landelijk Platform GGz ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: //, Utrecht: Landelijk Platform GGz. Maatjesproject dak- nut thuislozen 2006 ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Utrecht: Provincie Utrecht. NIWZ ( onbekend ) Folder 8-Fasenmodel Kennismaking met een praktische manier new wave planmatig werken in de maatschappelijke opvang, Utrecht: NIZW Over Abraham H. Maslow ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // Penninx, K. Scholten, C. en anderen ( 2005 ) Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning Een handreiking voor sociale professionals, Utrecht: Lemma/NIZW. Stichting Ontmoeting ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Houten: Stichting Ontmoeting. Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland ( 2009 ) Brochure Gewoon Meedoen, Goes: Klaverblad Zeeland. Stichting new wave de straat/OCSW ( 2006 ) ( omega ) onderdak, Groningen: Stichting new wave de straat/ OCSW. Zorgbalans 2008 ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Bilthoven: RIVM. werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. 2005 ( 2009 )
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