Friday, December 20, 2019

Fighting the Dreaded Chemo Brain - 841 Words

â€Å"The sanctuary looks like it has been hosed down with Pepto Bismol,† Maelyn retorts. â€Å"Pink is my signature color† Shelby announces proudly. Well on April 4th, I officially became of the â€Å"Pink is my Signature Color† club. Now please know, membership in this organization was not requested. I did not ask to join, pay any dues, or even aspire to be apart of this exclusive club. But here I am†¦ an official card carrying member of the â€Å"Breast Cancer Society† and now pink is indeed my signature color†¦ or is it? As I stood in my purple colored bedroom that I temporarily occupy at my parents’ home, on the day that my parents were celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary, and remembering the marriage proposal of my sweet husband that was just one year prior in the very same home, I tried to take in the information my doctor was telling me. On April Fools Day (how appropriate), I underwent a core needle biopsy on (according to the radiologist) a â€Å"pretty good size mass† in my right breast. After a fall down the stairs in January, I experienced some swelling in my left breast, that led to a mammogram, an ultrasound, and finally a biopsy. In hindsight, when the radiologist and his nurse spoke to me after the ultrasound, I should have caught on to what he, with all his medical mumbo-jumbo, was trying to tell me. Instead, I remember telling tell my best friend my husband, â€Å"It was weird. I think they expected me to flip out like I actually have breast cancer.Show MoreRelatedLupus: The Misunderstood Sickness. If You Must Have A Terrible1698 Words   |  7 Pageswhen there is mold in your bread, you need to get it out (or throw the bread away so maybe that s not a very good analogy but you get the point). There s something there in your body that shouldn t be there and the treatment is to get it out asap. Chemo, friends run 5K, everyone shows solidarity, and with any luck and the miracle of modern medicine, one is cured. Contrast that with Lupus. Here s where it gets tricky. With Lupus, your body begins to hate itself. Your body starts to think, for some

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