Saturday, December 28, 2019
A Social Issue That Is On Domestic Violence - 1695 Words
1. Introduction This report is about a social issue that is on Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a big social issue that happens all around the world. It affects many people in many different ways. The aim of this report is to identify what Domestic Violence is and what it can really do to the community and how we can help. 2. What is Domestic Violence? Also known as intimate partner violence, it is a form of violence that can occur with any relationship. There can be more than 1 type of Domestic Violence, Social, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Economical. Physical- Physical abuse is used against someone that injures or dangers a person. It is a crime whether it happens inside or outside of the family. No matter the form of physical abuse that is used even if its minor you can be severely injured as a result. In a relationship a spouse or partner may have injured you a few times but it is likely they will continue to do so. Emotional- Emotional abuse is usually unrecognised and can be very hurtful to someone. Not all abusive relationships involve violence, just because your not bruised and hurt doesn’t mean you haven’t been abused. Men and women have been hurt from emotional abuse and are no less hurtful than physical abuse. Emotional abuse is when someone makes you feel your not good enough by being yelled at, name calling, blamed for things, made to feel shamed, isolated from friends or family, scared, trapped, and the feeling of being controlled. You may feelShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Of Domestic Violence1409 Words  | 6 Pagesexecuted. The social issue of domestic violence is becoming very prevalent in the world’s society, and has called for a new category of social experiment. 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According to Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, it is believed to be the most commonRead MoreDomestic Violence Is Now Broadly Defined As All Acts Of1586 Words  | 7 Pages Domestic violence is now broadly defined as all acts of physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence committed by a family member or intimate partner. It has to do with a pattern of power and control exerted by partner or family member upon another. The constancy and severity of the abuse can vary however, it always has a negative impact on the relationship. The devastating impact can last for a long time crossing generations or a lifetime. The battered women movement goal was to seeRead MoreDomestic Violence Between The United States And The Republic Of Ireland1670 Words  | 7 Pages An Analysis of the Differences in the Handling of Domestic Violence between the United States and the Republic of Ireland. By, Ryan James Patrick Cavanaugh CRJ – 30: Gender and the Law Professor Berg 16 December 2015 The issue of domestic violence has become a widely debated topic in modern society. Domestic violence has been a serious situation in the criminal justice system for much of history, however, until approximately the last twenty years, it was largely ignored by societyRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Society1491 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic violence is a very important discussion subject, because it touches all levels of society, and it is widely spreading across a multitude of social groups. This social issue at present appears in different levels of society, and cannot be ignored by social institutions and people. The issue of domestic violence cannot be avoided because of the unfortunately high rate of abusive behavior, and more and more people being affected by abuse every day. People and social institutions cannot closeRead MoreViolence Against Children and Women702 Words  | 3 Pagesnumerous years, violence against children and women has not only been accepte d and tolerated as an ordinary practice, but it has as well been encouraged. Patriarchal societies across the world view children and women as being submissive members of a family while men hold dominant roles. Laws and the society have often promoted a mans rights to manipulate and control his family, even through violence, from the olden days to the present world. Domestic violence refers to aggression or violence perpetratedRead MoreThe Postmodern Theory Of Narrative Therapy Interventions1594 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to the postmodern theory, a person’s perceived reality is a social construct that is influenced by social and political discourses (Cummins, Sevel, Pedrick, 2012). Postmodernist focus on these discourses because it is believed that our realities are shaped by language, both verbal and written communication (Chang Nylund, 2013). Thus, postmodernism hypothesizing that since reality can be constructed by society, it can also be reconstructed or reframed u sing language. A major interventionsRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence Against Women1497 Words  | 6 PagesOver the last 50 years the world has made huge strides against the issue of domestic violence against women. While this may seem like a great moral victory for us as a society we have a long way to go before the issue is under control. The very image of a man striking a woman immediately strikes a chord with most of us, causing great discomfort. If we switch the roles however the same proverbial chord lies there dormant. In fact when a man is struck in a movie by a woman it is often displayedRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Indigenous Women947 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle â€Å"Domestic violence against indigenous women is everybody’s problem†domestic violence is depicted as a serious social problem that involves â€Å"unspeakable acts of violence†that leaves victims experiencing fear and despair (Taylor 2014). More specifically, the socia l construction of domestic violence will be discussed with an emphasis on Aboriginal women and a typology of intimate partner violence. The social construction of domestic violence has serious implications for victims of domestic abuseRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words  | 5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environment for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Fighting the Dreaded Chemo Brain - 841 Words
â€Å"The sanctuary looks like it has been hosed down with Pepto Bismol,†Maelyn retorts. â€Å"Pink is my signature color†Shelby announces proudly. Well on April 4th, I officially became of the â€Å"Pink is my Signature Color†club. Now please know, membership in this organization was not requested. I did not ask to join, pay any dues, or even aspire to be apart of this exclusive club. But here I am†¦ an official card carrying member of the â€Å"Breast Cancer Society†and now pink is indeed my signature color†¦ or is it? As I stood in my purple colored bedroom that I temporarily occupy at my parents’ home, on the day that my parents were celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary, and remembering the marriage proposal of my sweet husband that was just one year prior in the very same home, I tried to take in the information my doctor was telling me. On April Fools Day (how appropriate), I underwent a core needle biopsy on (according to the radiologist) a â€Å"pretty good size mass†in my right breast. After a fall down the stairs in January, I experienced some swelling in my left breast, that led to a mammogram, an ultrasound, and finally a biopsy. In hindsight, when the radiologist and his nurse spoke to me after the ultrasound, I should have caught on to what he, with all his medical mumbo-jumbo, was trying to tell me. Instead, I remember telling tell my best friend my husband, â€Å"It was weird. I think they expected me to flip out like I actually have breast cancer.Show MoreRelatedLupus: The Misunderstood Sickness. If You Must Have A Terrible1698 Words  | 7 Pageswhen there is mold in your bread, you need to get it out (or throw the bread away so maybe that s not a very good analogy but you get the point). There s something there in your body that shouldn t be there and the treatment is to get it out asap. Chemo, friends run 5K, everyone shows solidarity, and with any luck and the miracle of modern medicine, one is cured. Contrast that with Lupus. Here s where it gets tricky. With Lupus, your body begins to hate itself. Your body starts to think, for some
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Building the Sustainable Organization-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Business Model Innvation at BHP Billition and Business Model Innovation at Wesfarmers. Answer: Key Strategic Idea BHP Billiton is one of the market leaders in their field of metal, mining and petroleum. The company has followed a unique structure and strategy in the last decade to gain competitive advantage in the market. BHP Billiton is largest mining company in the world and this has been possible only because of the usage of innovation in the business model (Grant et al. 2014). The company has kept its core value intact and it has produced positive results for them. BHP Billitons Strategy is based on diversification where the organization tries to operate on low cost, long life, expandable assets. Wesfarmers have invested in retail, coal mining, chemicals, industrial products for safety and fertilizers. This shows that the organization has a diversified portfolio and the organization is able to gain large amount share in market due to the innovation they sue in their business model. Wesfarmers is one of the largest companies in Australia and has been able to hold on the market share due to their use of innovation in the business model. Wesfarmers have a strong management capability, which helps them to formulate and execute strategies (Biddle 2016). The company monitors day to day activities to ensure maximum productivity in all their diversified portfolios. Business model innovation at BHP Billiton The business model that has been established by the company helps in the development of the core competencies and the at the same time expertises in the development, evaluation, selling and extraction of natural resources. The business of the organization is asset intensive and the success of the organization is dependent on the safety, reliability and productivity of the operations (Perrott 2015). The improvements in the productivity of the organization with the help of unique features are the reason for their huge share in the market. The scale of operation of the company is large which will minimize the production cost of the company. The operations of the company is diversified which consists of commodities of various types which helps to hedge the risks involved in the market. The company also uses innovative ways to reduce the cost of the supply chain of the organization. the company uses simple integrated metrics in a structured way to make improvement in the productivity. The company continuously measure the performance to make further improvements (Klettner, Clarke and Boersma 2014). The continuous enhancement in the culture and the technology in the organization has helped the organization to lay the foundation for the growth and production. There are lot of complexities associated with the mining industry but the company has made usage of the simple design to monitor the performance. The business model is designed in such way that it will help the organization in all the elements. Therefore, all the essential activities in the organization is monitored on a regular basis to ensure effective use of resources. The supply chain of the organization is very effective and it acts a backbone for the operating model of the organization. The supply chain of the organization helps to streamline of the business model. The organization uses a integrated system for management which helps the organization track, measure and benchmark the performances in to a singl e component. The company sues standard process and common system to step up duplication of the best practices (Chaston 2017). The company spends a lot of capital on the research and development of technology. The continuous improvement in the technology acts as a major catalyst in the growth in the productivity of the organization. The organization in still searching for autonomous ways to reduce the cost and time involved in the operations. The company is focusing on improvement in the technology through innovation, which will help the organization to improve safety, increase the output and minimize the cost of production. Business model innovation at Wesfarmers Wesfarmers has a diversified portfolio, which helps the organization to hedge the risk involved in the market. The use of big data is one of the key to success of the organization and they have huge amount of data on customer information, which provides valuable insights. The big data analysis of the data helps the organization to pick best location for their stores and provides guidance in the marketing campaign of the company. This has helped the organization to gain competitive advantage in the market. Coles insurance is one of the divisions which is not known by the organization and it plays a very important role in the growth of the organization (Sokolov Mladenovi? and ?uzovi? 2015). The company uses competitive marketing strategy to increase the growth and productivity of the organization. Wesfarmers have made a lot of acquisitions which has created value for the organization. The main reason of the success of the organization is due to the diversified portfolio of the company as it able to hedge the risk in the market. The company tries to make usage of innovation to analyze the needs and wants of the consumers. The company uses big data to identify the trends in the market, which will help the organization to identify the most popular products in the retail sector. The company has been able to gain a majority of share in the market and keeps on using long term planning as the basis of their strategy. However, the business model of the organization has been criticized severely because of the decrease in the growth of the organization. However, the company is using the same strategy and business model as it has full confidence that they will be able to bounce and regain the loss share in the market (Nwogugu 2016). The organization uses innovative structure to sustain the leaseback and sale of property so that they can drive the return on capital. The growth of the mining division is less but the deficit is being covered by the growth in the retail. This s hows that diversification of the portfolio is one of the strong suits for the organization. There are lot of experts who feel that the organization needs to change their business model but the CEO of the company has defended their business model and will be using the same business model which has proved to be successful for the organization for so many decades (Beech et al. 2017). References Beech, N., MacIntosh, R., Krust, P., Kannan, S. and Dadich, A., 2017.Managing change. Cambridge University Press. Biddle, I., 2016. The Wesfarmers/Woolworths duopoly war: The Bunnings vs. Masters battle.Busidate,24(3), p.3. Chaston, I., 2017. Entrepreneurship. InTechnological Entrepreneurship(pp. 1-24). Springer International Publishing. Grant, R., Butler, B., Orr, S. and Murray, P.A., 2014.Contemporary strategic management: An Australasian perspective. John Wiley Sons Australia, Ltd.. Klettner, A., Clarke, T. and Boersma, M., 2014. The governance of corporate sustainability: Empirical insights into the development, leadership and implementation of responsible business strategy.Journal of Business Ethics,122(1), pp.145-165. Nwogugu, M.C., 2016. Corporate Governance, Financial Stability and Evolving Insurtech: The Case of Insurance Australia Group (2011-2016). Perrott, B.E., 2015. Building the sustainable organization: an integrated approach.Journal of Business Strategy,36(1), pp.41-51. Sokolov Mladenovi?, S. and ?uzovi?, ?., 2015. FRANCHISING AS THE MODEL OF INTERNATIONALISATION OF RETAILING.TEME: Casopis za Drutvene Nauke,39(1).
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Primary Health Care Constructs and Contexts
Question: Discuss about thePrimary Health Care Constructs and Contexts. Answer: Introduction Health promotion is essentially the process of enabling individuals to increase control over their health and by so doing lead to improvement. National health promotion programs are strategies started mostly by the government or non-governmental organizations which are aimed at improving people lifestyles by enabling them to increase control over their health. National health promotion programs make a positive contribution as far as improvement of human health is concerned. Within the framework of primary health care, health promotion plays a fundamental role in improving outcomes in the prevention as well as control of both chronic and communicable diseases. It is the duty of the government to take care of its people by coming up with national health care programs which are aimed at improving their health. The government is also tasked with coming up with strategies aimed at ensuring there is quality, affordable and accessible health care for all citizens. Health essentially starts in our homes, workplaces; communities as well as schools. This explains why some individuals are healthier than others. National health promotions programs are aimed at ensuring that the factors that affect health are solved to ensure that most people if not all are healthy. Bio-psycho-social and ecological determinants of health affect individuals, families, communities and groups in different settings. Social determinants of health concentrate on social factors as well as the physical conditions of the environment in which individuals are born, learn, live, play, work as well as age. If an individual is unable to access resources to meet his or her daily needs, then there the person less likely to be unhealthy. Immunize Australia program is one of the national health promotion programs. This program is aimed at providing support information for a campaign to increase the rate of national immunization by funding free vaccination programs and by so doing improve the peoples overall health and wellbeing. It also funds the purchase of vaccinations with the aim of protecting millions of Australians. Immunization is essentially a simple, safe as well as effective way of protecting individuals against harmful diseases that pose potential a potential threat to the health of the community. Furthermore, immunization reduces transmission in a given society. In other words, the higher the number of people vaccinated in a given community, the fewer the chances of any disease spreading. This program implements the schedule of national immunization program that offers vaccines to sixteen diseases. The Australian government provides funding to the Victorian cytology service for the purposes of administerin g the national HPV vaccination program register. It also provides funding to the department of human services so as to administer the Australian childhood immunization register which records all vaccinations given to children below the age of seven (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). The immunize Australia program was started to meet and create awareness in regards to immunizations. Many Australian children are still dying as a result of vaccine-preventable diseases hence the need to carry out extensive immunization among children and adults. Vaccine coverage is low and as a result children are dying as a result of influenza, pneumococcal disease, pertussis as well as meningococcal disease (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). Immunization is fundamental since the benefits of outweigh the risk factors. Many of vaccine-preventable diseases are usually highly contagious and can be devastating to an individuals immune system. Most of the people who are unvaccinated immediately get the disease once they come in contact with it. For instance, as far as whooping cough is concerned, roughly ninety percent of unimmunized household contacts will catch the disease. This statistics show the need for adults and children to take the issue of vaccination seriously since it affects everybody in the family (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). A strong primary health care program is the one that supports citizens and communities to be healthy. Vaxon app is one example of this strategy. This is a medical application that is aimed at reminding parents or guardians when immunization for their children is due. The application was developed by the victorian department of health and human services. This strategy in collaboration with the immunize Australia program makes it very hard for children and adults to miss their immunization hence contributing to better health for citizens (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). The program aims at sensitizing people on the important of communal immunization. One person being immunized is not enough. The whole community should be immunized so that those who cannot be immunized for one reason or the other stay safe. The health workers should also be immunized to ensure that they are part of the solution and not the problem. When they fail to take vaccination they risk the lives of many who come in contact with them on daily bases (Immunise Australia Program Australia, 2000). Culture also impacts the health of a person. An individuals cultural background influences his or her behavior, belief, emotion, perspective, attitude to illness and pain among others. All of these can influence health and the need to seek health care. Different cultures interpret and filter science differently. Some cultures recommend against seeking modern doctors advocating for traditional doctors who may not have the necessary knowledge and expertise to deal with some complicated illnesses (Naidoo Wills, 2009). This is where health promotion comes in to try and educate people on ways to improve their health appropriately. Health interventions that are aimed at supporting healthy behaviors have been most successful when they show sensitivity to the culture of the target population. Cultures sometimes spread rumors regarding immunizations hence discouraging community member from participating in the exercise. This program is trying to change some of the cultures misguided views wh en it comes to immunization and by so doing the overall health and well-being of the nation will improve significantly (Whitehead, 2004). As far as assessment is concerned, childhood immunization register was established for the purposes of providing quarterly reports on immunization rates. These statistics help to create a clear picture of the situation on the ground and to show whether there are any headways being made (Upton, 2014). Effectiveness of the Program This program has been very effective because Australia has met the world health organizations goal in immunization (World Health Organization, 2014). Australia has ninety percent coverage for most childhood vaccines therefore contributing to better preventive health system in Australia. The coverage rate has also been growing among the indigenous people of Australia. In 2012, the percentage of fully vaccinated indigenous children aged 12, 24 as well as 60 months was 86 percent, 92 percent as well as 91percent respectively. The aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities have also been able to receive extra immunization since they have specific medical conditions that make them more vulnerable as far as some diseases are concerned. Health inequality has been a very big problem for the various governments that have been in power in Australia. The aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities have especially those who live in the rural and remote areas have been affected most since they have little or no access to health care services (Baum, 2014). This program has brought about changes as far as this health gap is concerned since these communities are now able to get additional vaccines. The vaccinations can be accessed through community controlled aboriginal medical services or local health services (Marmot Wilkinson, 2006). Immunization has led to the reduction of previously widespread childhood diseases. In particular, diphtheria and polio have virtually disappeared as a result of extensive immunization. Statistically speaking, there has been a ninety-five percent reduction in haemophilus influenza type b infections (Fawcett Ellenbecker, 2015). Economic stability affects an individuals, family, ground and communities health. In a setting where poverty is high and employment is not forthcoming, food becomes scarce and housing becomes a problem leading to a decline in health. There is a connection between health and social status. A persons social status in todays word is dictated by his or her education, wealth, occupation and lifestyle among other minor factors like ethnicity and personality. Essentially each of these or a mix of these factors can cause negative or positive health consequences on an individual. Those in higher social status usually enjoy better health (Swider, Levin, Kulbok, 2015). People who live in abject poverty lack opportunities and resources necessary to make good choices as far as their health is concerned. Poverty exposes people to very inferior physical environments, therefore, making them perfect candidates for health problems. Low-income individuals in third world countries often die as a result of treatable diseases but because of financial constraints, they shy away from hospitals. Young children are usually the most affected. Immunize Australia program has proved useful by giving free immunization free of charge therefore bringing on bond families and communities which would have otherwise not had access due to financial constraints (Adrian, 2009). It is a challenge to provide high-quality and affordable health services due to several complexities like cost, quality, and accessibility. The Ottawa charter for health promotion advocates for there to be healthy public policy, developing personal skills, re-orienting health services, creating a supportive environment for health as well as strengthening community action for health (The Bangkok Charter For Health Promotion In A Globalized World, Global Conference On Health Promotion, World Health Organization, 2005). The Ottawa health policies have enabled and challenged governments to take an active role in world health public policy as well to provide health care to all sectors of the population. The immunize Australia program is a step in the right direction as far as meeting the requirements of the Ottawa charter (Carryer, Halcomb Davidson, 2015). Challenges However, as much as this program has brought about positive benefits there are still areas that need improvement as far as communities are concerned. Some indigenous communities have been sidelined for instance the Australian indigenous communities have been documented as one of the many excluded communities. Health care services have not yet been able to reach all of the aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities hence the coverage is not as good as it should be (Brobeck, Odencrants, Bergh Hildingh, 2013). Secondly, immunization programs usually target healthy populations since they usually do not seek out immunization. The healthy individuals usually think that they do not need any vaccination since they are less likely to suffer from certain diseases hence they often shy away from vaccination centers (Roden, Jarvis, Campbell-Crofts Whitehead, 2016). Thirdly, myths and misconceptions as far as safety the safety of immunization is concerned also pose a challenge. Some people have certain misconceptions and myths regarding vaccinations. They often assume that the immune system can generate its own antibodies on its own so no need for vaccines. This makes the programs objectives difficult to achieve since holding on to some of these myths and misconceptions makes them hesitant to go vaccinations therefore leading for fall in vaccination rates (Mcmurray Clendon, 2015). Finally, when the immunization program is successful, then it leads to contentment especially among health care professionals and the general public. Immunization tends to be undervalued especially in a situation where the serious consequences of disease are no longer experienced firsthand. As such, individuals shift their focus from the immunization to the rare adverse events and misconceptions (Buse, Mays Walt, 2012). Conclusion All in all, good health is crucial and that is the reason why health promotion strategies are put in place to ensure that people are informed on what they need to do to ensure that they maintain their good health. There are many determinants of health and the world health organization in collaboration with the governments of the day is trying everything in their power to ensure that good health is not only realized but maintained. This is being done by the signing of charters like the Bangkok and Jakarta charters. These policies are aimed at ensuring that strategies are put in place and executed to ensure that people enjoy good health in all parts of the world. Immunize Australia program has resulted in an increase in the number of people being immunized. However, a lot needs to be done so as to reach the coverage target and at the same time reduce the rate of conscientious protestations. As far as future directions are concerned, the program is aiming at reaching the immunization co verage target which is set at 95 percent for measles. The reason for the high target is primarily because measles is highly contagious. It will also aid in supporting Australias contribution to achieving measles elimination especially in the western pacific region. References Adrian, A. (2009).Primary health care in Australia: a nursing and midwifery consensus view. [Australia], Australian Nursing Federation. Brobeck E, Odencrants S, Bergh H, Hildingh C. (2013). Health promotion practice and its implementation in Swedish health care.International Nursing Review.60, 374-80. Baum F, et al. (2014). Evaluation of Health in All Policies: concept, theory and application.Health Promotion International.29, 130-42. Buse, K., Mays, N., Walt, G. (2012).Making health policy. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, Open University Press. Carryer, J., Halcomb, E., Davidson, P. M. (2015). Nursing: the answer to the primary health care dilemma.Collegian-Deakin-.22, 151-152. Fawcett J, Ellenbecker Ch. (2015). A proposed conceptual model of nursing and population health.Nursing Outlook.63. Immunise Australia Program, Australia. (2000).Immunise Australia Program. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. Dept. of Health and Ageing. Marmot, M. G., Wilkinson, R. G. (2006).Social determinants of health. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Mcmurray, A., Clendon, J. (2015).Community health and wellness: primary health care in practice. Naidoo, J., Wills, J. (2009).Foundations for health promotion. Edinburgh, Elsevier. Roden J, Jarvis L, Campbell-Crofts S, Whitehead D. (2016). Australian rural, remote and urban community nurses' health promotion role and function.Health Promotion International.31, 704-14. Swider Sm, Levin Pf, Kulbok Pa. (2015). Creating the future of public health nursing: a call to action.Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.).32. The Bangkok Charter For Health Promotion In A Globalized World, Global Conference On Health Promotion, World Health Organization. (2005).The Bangkok charter for health promotion in a globalized world. [Geneva], [WHO]. Upton, D. (2014).Health promotion. Whitehead, D. (2004). Health promotion and health education: advancing the concepts.Journal of Advanced Nursing.47, 311-320. World Health Organization. (2014).Health promotion glossary. Geneva, World Health Organization.
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